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#543 - The Corruption of Money (The Perverse Power of The Price Tag) #536 - Beyond Hierarchy (Anarchist Audiocollage) #535 - Peter Dale Scott on The US War Machine (Deep Politics, Continuity of Government & the CIA Global Drug Connection) #534 - The Lightbulb Conspiracy (Planned Obsolescence, Bottled Water & other Toxic Junk) #533 - The False Flag Formula (9-99, 7-7, Iraq and Other Fake Bomb Plots) #528 - The Bilderberg Group (Conspiracies & The Fiction of Government Power) #525 - Cannabis (Medical Marijuana, Forgetting and the Botany of Desire) #517 - JFK and The Unspeakable (Khrushchev, Cuba, World Peace & the Martyrdom of JFK/MLK) #514 - Virtual Reality & the Fragmentation of Modern Consciousness (Is The Internet Making Us Stupid?) #510 - The Race Towards Global Consciousness (Hitting Rock Bottom & Realising The Reunion) #505 - The Matrix Deconstructed (Why Strict Fathers teach "Economic Literacy")