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⇦ | Episode #200 - Now Or Never (Fighting the Corporate War Machine in Your Own Backyard) |
⌚ Sat 3 January 2004 ☻The St. Patrick's Day 4, Damacio Lopez, Jeff Schmidt (reading) |
Download Hour1 Download Hour2The trial of four peace activists from the Ithaca Catholic Worker community who engaged in civil resistance at a military recruiting center ended with the jury deadlocked 9-3 for acquittal, much to the chagrin of the pro-Bush district attorney, Damacio Lopez from the International Depleted Uranium Study Team (IDUST) talks about how he became an activist, and was beaten almost to death for his efforts, after he learned that depleted uranium was being tested near his family home in New Mexico. We conclude by starting the final chapter of Disciplined Minds, Now or Never, on how to be a radical professional and subvert the system from inside mainstream institutions. |
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