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#461#462#463#464 Episode #465 - In the Image of the Machine
(Ascent of Humanity #5)



Mon 1 June 2009  Charles Eisenstein (reading)
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week I'm devoting the entirety to the program again to the reading of Charles Eisenstein's Ascent of Humanity. He starts by describing the remarkable culture of the Pirahã.
The mark of how lost our society is can be seen in that almost nobody has ever heard of this book, when its contents should be a topic of discussion in every bar and cafe instead of whatever trivialities are being talked about.
Quotes-66.gifAs the gathering crises of the world visit themselves personally upon more and more of us, as it becomes more difficult to insulate ourselves from their effects no matter how wealthy we are, no matter how skillful we are in exercising control over the world, we are collectively "hitting bottom". The effect on our society will be similar to the effect on the individual of a close brush with death.Quotes-99.gif

Charles Eisenstein, Ascent of Humanity

Music: Sharon Burch, David Rovics, Jai Uttal and Lakshi Shankar
For more on the Pirahã, listen to the researcher from which Eisenstein drew his material speak about their culture in episode 602.
Some of this episode's content is repeated in episode 652.
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