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#187#188#189#190 Episode #191 - The Occupation of Iraq: Present and Future
(Town Hall with Rahul Mahajan and Scott Ritter)



Sat 1 November 2003  Rahul Mahajan, Scott Ritter
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2This is a 2 hour edit of the 2004-02-05 Town Hall in West Hartford, Conn. Mahajan was recently in Iraq and reports that reconstruction is a sham, and Scott Ritter spoke on the Iraq occupation at a Town Hall in West Hartford, Conn. Mahajan, who recently returned from Iraq, reported that no reconstruction is actually occurring and how the governmental structures set up there are mere window dressing for an American occupation force that is, and intends to continue, running the show for the benefit of US multinational corporate interests. Ritter traces the lies regarding WMD in Iraq by the Bush gang and calls on the American people to seize the democracy.

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The full unedited version of the event: