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#378#379#380#381 Episode #382 - The Authoritarians
(Why do People Obey?)



Mon 29 October 2007  Bob Altemeyer, Genevieve Vaughan (reading)
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2We begin the program with a very interesting interview with Bob Altemeyer that explores that question, then we'll conclude with the resumption of readings from For-Giving by Genevieve Vaughan, a feminist critique of the essential authoritarian nature and structure of exchange, that is markets.
Last week I devoted the entire show to a forum on the need for the impeachment of George Bush and Dick Cheney. Our speakers last week gave several reasons, a cure for royalism, defense of the Constitution or maintaining the rule of law. More important than all those things is to halt the descent into fascism, by asserting a challenge to the authority claimed by the people on the throne and those behind it. Fascism, when the power of the State is used to subjugate the people for the use of corporations, has been a recurring theme from the founding of the US, even before the term was coined by Benito Mussolini. The US constitution is constructed such that it enables it's growth, while movements toward liberty tend to require bloodletting and broken bones among the people inflicted by the forces of law and order. An important question is why are so many citizens of a country that gives so much lip service to freedom, so willing to embrace its opposite?
Thanks to George Kenney of for the Bob Altemeyer interview
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