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#94#95#96#97 Episode #98 - Oil, Repression and Resistance
(Globalization and the School for Assassins)



Sat 19 January 2002  Al Gedicks
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week, we look at oil, repression and resistance. When examining the US governments actions and alliances, it becomes plain that neither civilization nor sadism are it issue. Natural resources and corporate profits are the issue, and no amount of sadism is too much where protecting those profits are at stake.
We begin with a documentary from St Cloud, Minnesota on what has come to be called the School for Assassins funded by taxpayer dollars and located at a US Army installation at Fort Benning, Georgia. Then, an interview with Al Gedicks on the Resource Rebels, as he traces the development of multiracial, transnational movements in the US, Asia, Africa and Latin America that are countering resource extraction and providing direction for environmentalists and anti-capitalists alike.
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