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#398#399#400#401 Episode #402 - Prisoners of Oil
(Winter Soldier Testimony #1)



Mon 17 March 2008  Kristofer Goldsmith, Kelly Gougherty, Luis Montalvan, Antonia Juhasz, Jeremy Scahill
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we start a month of shows airing a selection of the testimony from the Winter Soldier event of
This weekend, the Iraq veterans against the war, the IVAW, presented three days of testimony from veterans of Iraq and Afhganistan, Iraqis, journalists, military families and scholars to bring largely unreported truths to the public and support the growing movement of GI resistance. One generation after the first Winter Soldier investigation, another group of young Americans has had to confront that they have been called to serve a lie, have been transformed into monsters by greedy old men seeking power and empire over others people's dead bodies. This event was carried live on Pacifica Radio (an example of why we fought so long at hard to save it) and many of you may have had the opportunity to hear this on your station or online. But I know that it was not heard on my home stations here in the Finger Lakes.
Thanks to all at Pacifica Radio and to Michael Yoshida
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