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#177#178#179#180 Episode #181 - Potemkin Nation
(The Illusion of US Post Peak Oil Prosperity)



Sat 23 August 2003  Ellen Maiani, Phillip Berg, James Howard Kunstler, Jeff Schmidt (reading)
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week, travels in a Potemkin nation. Some of the sights on our tour: deadly zombie shoppers, the prospects for suburbia when the oil runs out, and uncovering the truth about 9/11, and ending by reading chapter 6 of Disciplined Minds, The Division of Labor.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines Potemkin village as:

Something that appears elaborate and impressive but in actual fact lacks substance:

In 1787, when Catherine the Great visited the Ukraine and the Crimea, Prince Grigori Aleksandrovich Potemkin, a Russian army officer, statesman, and her lover, decided to put up elaborate cardboard houses apparently full of splendor in the villages Catherine was shown. While this set-up depicted an illusion of prosperity, the real condition of the village was hidden behind this façade.
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