From UnwelcomeGuests
It was not easy to pick my favorite Unwelcome Guests episodes. There are a lot of Deep State shows recently, since I've been excited to see order emerging out of chaos in my own mind as I gradually assembled the evidence show by show. You can discuss your favorites on this page's discussion page.
#750 - Black Is The New White (A Critical Review Of The 20th Century And The Prospects For Permanent Peace In The 21st) Our most recent episode, a super-extended index of 1500 hours of earlier content. We study the assassinations of MLK & JFK, the growth of the modern US deep state, and its development in the 1970s and 80s into the Supranational Deep State which on 9-11 launched the enemy image of "terrorism" as cover for the worldwide corporate-led introduction of a control grid. | |
#726 - The Flight From Death (The Central Importance of Death Anxiety, Operation Gladio 3) We haven't look much at the topic of death on the show before, but this episode gives it a long hard look, and draws some very important connections from the work or Ernest Becker. Essential listening for those seeking to understand false flag terror attacks. | |
#686 - The US Deep State, 1981-2001 (The Enterprise, Alec Station, The 9/11 Set-up) A sequel to episode 685 which tells the story of the cabal's continued efforts to keep control of the US Presidency and subvert the machinery of the US government to its own dark purposes. I've put these two episodes at the top of the list, since they are good introductory listening to the deep state. | |
#685 - The US Deep State, 1963-1981 (The Coup of '63, The Cabal, Watergate, Ford, Carter) "I think that this is the most import, provocative, and difficult material that we yet have presented on this program in the 14 years of its existence." - A highly compelling case made by Mark Gorton, that the US government has been taken over by a small cabal which was cemented by the conspiracy to kill JFK. | |
#713 - The Deep State in Western Europe, 1972-1986 (The Vicious Cercle Of Anti-Communist Terrorism) A pointer to deep state operations in Europe, including a look at Le Cercle. This is an indirect successor to episode 685 and episode 692. | |
#700 - Is There No Other Way the World May Live... (Audiocollage of Dissidents from Dwight Eisenhower To Derrick Jensen) My most recent audiocollage. This didn't work so well on the radio, since there is a lot of overlayering and so good reception is needed. As an MP3 hower, the overlayering means it rewards multiple listens with new messages. | |
#652 - Is Humanity In Its Right Mind? (The Rise and Rise Of The Left Brain) Many episodes of the show are about disfunctional culture, science, dogma or other ideas. This episode however is centered on the challenging suggestion that the human brain itself has become dysfunctional over the millennia. I tried to link this big topic to previous episodes of the show with a consonant message. | |
#649 - Why Money Will End (And How To Prepare) The most personal of all the episodes I've made, and refreshingly also the most popular by far, this is a positive vision of how we could say goodbye to the money system en masse and live a more relaxed life of abundance instead. | |
#602 - Ancient Languages of The Future (1) (The Piraha, Non-Violent Communication) A look at how language shapes our culture, and how modern Western culture is shaped by enemy images which we are very quick to ascribe to people, whether directly or through subtle implications. US psychologist and negotiator teaches us how to ensure that our communication is non-judgemental and how much effectively we can communicate when we empathise and really think about the needs and feelings of others. | |
#603 - Ancient Languages of The Future (2) (The Piraha, Non-Violent Communication #2) This continues the previous episode's look at the violence of modern Western communication and its enemy images. Together with the previous episode, this is one of the most practical episodes, as Marshall Rosenberg's advice is clear and can assist our communications whether with family, colleagues, competitors, friends or loved ones. | |
#599 - What Economics Can't Tell You About Money (Alienation, The Black Magic of Money) A sideways look at the mistaken assumptions which lie at the heart of economics. | |
#568 - 9/10 Anniversary Special Edition (Unaccountable Accounts from Powerdown to Stand Down) On the 10th anniversary of an important but underreported announcement, a good introduction to Sep 11th in case you're new to the show and seeking an overview of this essential topic. | |
#551 - Understanding The Financial 'Crisis' (The Specter Haunting Europe) If you've ever wondered what will happens if the economy "collapses" - or why commercial media never seem to clearly explain what that even means, this could be a good one for you... | |
#543 - The Corruption of Money (The Perverse Power of The Price Tag) This combines one of my favorite John Taylor Gatto presentations with an audio version of a presentation I created about the power of money to corrupt and subtly denature whatever it comes into contact with. | |
#536 - Beyond Hierarchy (Anarchist Audiocollage) This was the first audiocollage I ever made. I had a lot of fun assembling this collection of some of my favorite Unwelcome Guests and merging them together with music. | |
#523 - Ivan Illich and The Collapse Of Power (Nowtopia and Why Money is not Power) An introduction to the great (and disturbing) modern prophet, Ivan Illich. | |
#517 - JFK and The Unspeakable (Khrushchev, Cuba, World Peace and Martyrdom of JFK/MLK) Good preparation for the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination. An inspired retelling of the events leading up to the Cuban missile crisis, by James Douglass, including a parallel I made between M.A.D. and the money system. | |
#510 - The Race Towards Global Consciousness (Hitting Rock Bottom & Realizing The Reunion) A forward looking and optimistic episode in which I describe how a future electronic replacement for money could work as a 'nervous system for the world' by communicating people's feelings across social relationships. | |
#506 - Wage Slavery and Moral Dumbing Down (Extrinsic Manipulation versus Internal Motivation) Alfie Kohn and others on the moral aspect of Dumbing Down - how people are persuaded not to care for one another, or at least persuaded that they should try not to. | |
#87 - The Red Pill (Consensus Illusion and World Domination) I think my favorite of Lyn Gerry's episodes, which helped me to review what I thought I knew about world political and economic history, partly rebroadcast in episode 505, and with an echo in episode 685 and episode 686. | |
#23 - Double Dipping into Misery (Crack, the CIA and the Prison Industrial Complex) A classic show about CIA drug dealing. |
Some of my favorite series: