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#416#417#418#419 Episode #420 - Strategies for Crisis and Opportunity
(Dumping Global Corporate Junk Culture)



Sun 20 July 2008  Raj Patel, Evan Klieman, Richard Heinberg
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2From food shortages to energy scarcity, from climate change to economic implosion we are beset with a host of situations where crisis can be turned into opportunity. All of these problems we face, result from an economic and political system based on the compulsive over production and consumption of junk and waste in the service of an abstraction, economic growth. This state of affairs cannot continue. Our two featured speakers this week will look at where we are and why, and where might go by focusing on two areas: Raj Patel speaks on the food system, and Richard Heinberg about his a idea to create crisis planning for what he calls 'resilient communities'.

Thanks to C-span and the Findhorn Foundation
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