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#239#240#241#242 Episode #243 - The Incantations of Whiteness
(Ask Black Folks About American Moral Values)



Sun 27 February 2005  Mama Calaeba, Gerald Smith, Mark Twain (reading)
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we take a look at the hard edge of Black history: capitalism and slavery, rebellions and resistance. And political prisoners up until the present day with Mama Caleba of Rootwork and Gerald Smith of Slave Revolt Radio.
In our first hour, we hear a dramatic history of colonialism by Rootwork and Slave Revolt Radio. This emphasises the economic importance of slavery and hearing the manifold justifications offered for the racist policies of exploitation. In the second hour, we hear about how the US government has used agents provocateurs to oppose organised resistance. We conclude with 30 minutes of reading of The Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain.
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