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#413#414#415#416 Episode #417 - The Economics of Oil, Food and Freedom
(What Matters in a time of collapse)



Mon 30 June 2008  Michael Hudson, Bonnie Faulkner, Dmitry Orlov, Alex Smith, Vandana Shiva
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2Everyone seems to be feeling a rising sense of alarm as the prices of food and energy skyrocket and the number of people losing their livelihoods grows. This is made worse by the political leaders and corporate media's failure to tell the truth, or the whole truth about what's on the horizon, or to offer any solution but a modified version of business as usual. This week we'll hear from three people who will address what is happening, and why, and discuss predictions and strategies for the future. One is an American economist, one a Russian emigre who lived through the chaos in the collapsing soviet union and another an Indian activist fighting for an open source food system.

Thanks to Bonnie Faulkner and Radio Ecoshock
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