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#460#461#462#463 Episode #464 - Naming, Numbering and the Control of Time
(Ascent of Humanity #4)



Mon 25 May 2009  Charles Eisenstein (reading)
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week, the devote the whole show to our continued reading of Charles Eisenstein's Ascent of Humanity. Chapter 2 examines mental technologies - such as language and mathematics - and their role in the Age of Separation.
We hear how language, like other human technologies is delivering less and less for more and more effort.
Quotes-66.gifAs a separate human realm coalesced around the technologies of fire and stone, another even more powerful technology grew alongside them—the technology of mind we call language. Consisting of symbols that are connected only arbitrarily to the objects, attributes, and processes they name, language is indeed a separate human realm, a human-created map or representation of reality.Quotes-99.gif

Charles Eisenstein, Ascent of Humanity

Music: Nahadzhan by Sharon Burch
Some of this episode's content is repeated in episode 673.
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