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#499#500#501#502 Episode #503 - Is Employment Compatible with a Free Society?

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.</big>#504#505#506#507

Missing 'date'  '
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2Hi All, My computer repairs are not yet finished but I though this show covered a question that never goes out of style and many recent listeners will have never heard it. The unemployment numbers are a regular feature of reporting and debate these days, which centers around "how to create jobs" but does not address the question of whether we really want a society that requires most to have "jobs" created by other people as opposed to work they do as they deem necessary and desirable. What is the result? One can go to a store and see a whole aisle of vile smelling laundry detergents that are all the same except for the packaging, but no one can "afford" to clean up polluted lands and waterways.

C. S Soong/Against the Grain, Audioanarchy
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#497#498#499#500#501#502 To link to this episode, please use the short, permanent URL: Expression error: Unexpected < operator.