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The following books
read on the show
have been converted
into audiobooks,
available at the
audiobook archive:
Ascent of humanity cover.jpg Debt, The First 5000 Years.jpg Deschooling Society cover.jpg Disciplined minds cover.jpg Fifty Years of the Deep State.jpg Underground history of american education cover.jpg

Ascent of Humanity, by Charles Eisenstein, read by Lyn Gerry & Robin Upton

Ascent of humanity cover.jpg

The simplest download is a single ZIP file, including a playlist (806MB). Alternatively, download by Chapter:

  1. The Triumph of Technology (52MB)
  2. The Origins of Separation (118MB)
  3. The Way of the World (97MB)
  4. Money and Property (128MB)
  5. The World under Control (118MB)
  6. The Crumbling of Certainty (107MB)
  7. The Age of Reunion (143MB)
  8. Self and Cosmos (67MB)

Debt, The First 5000 Years by David Graeber, read by Robin Upton

Debt, The First 5000 Years.jpg

The simplest download is a single ZIP file (488MB). Alternatively, download by Chapter:

  1. On The Experience of Moral Confusion (24MB)
  2. The Myth of Barter (24MB)
  3. Primordial Debts (39MB)
  4. Cruelty and Redemption (20MB)
  5. A Brief Treatise on the Moral Grounds of Economic Relations (49MB)
  6. Games with Sex and Death (47MB)
  7. Honor and Degradation, or, On the Foundations of Contemporary Civilization (61MB)
  8. Credit Versus Bullion, And the Cycles of History (13MB)
  9. The Axial Age (800 BC-600 AD) (38MB)
  10. The Middle Ages (600 AD-1450 AD) (74MB)
  11. Age of the Great Capitalist Empires (1450-1971) (73MB)
  12. The Beginning of Something Yet to Be Determined (1971-...) (40MB)

Deschooling Society, by Ivan Illich, read by Tereza Coraggio & Robin Upton

Deschooling Society cover.jpg

The simplest download is a ZIP file of all 7 chapters, (133MB), alternatively download by chapter:

  1. Why We Must Disestablish School (29MB)
  2. Phenomenology of School (10MB)
  3. The Ritualization of Progress (22MB)
  4. Institutional Spectrum (14MB)
  5. Irrational Consistencies (7MB)
  6. Learning Webs (34MB)
  7. Rebirth of Epimethean Man (16MB)

Disciplined Minds, by Jeff Schmidt, read by Lyn Gerry

The simplest download is a single MP3 file, 13 hours 8 minutes (360MB), the smallest is a single ZIP file of separate chapters, including a playlist (316MB).

Fifty Years of the Deep State, by Mark Gorton, read by Robin Upton

Fifty Years of the Deep State.jpg

The download is a single MP3 file, 2 hours and 31 minutes (72.5MB)

The Underground History of American Education, read by Lyn Gerry & Robin Upton

Underground history of american education cover.jpg

The smallest complete download is a single ZIP file of separate chapters, including a playlist (666MB).

  1. The Way It Used To Be (55MB)
  2. An Angry Look at Modern Schooling (23MB)
  3. Eyeless in Gaza (46MB)
  4. I Quit, I Think (31MB)
  5. True Believers and The Unspeakable Chautaqua (46MB)
  6. The Lure of Utopia (30MB)
  7. The Prussian Connection (26MB)
  8. A Coal-Fired Dream World (49MB)
  9. The Cult of Scientific Management (42MB)
  10. My Green River (39MB)
  11. The Crunch (32MB)
  12. The Daughters of The Barons Of Runymede (37MB)
  13. The Empty Child (48MB)
  14. Absolute Absolution (31MB)
  15. The Psychopathology of Everyday Schooling (22MB)
  16. A Conspiracy Against Ourselves (26MB)
  17. The Politics of Schooling (55MB)
  18. Breaking Out of The Trap (53MB)
  19. Market Neutral
  20. Income Funds
  21. Melbourne Web Developer
  22. Melbourne SEO Services
  23. Oxone
  24. Airless Spray