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David Graeber
Born October 6, 1961 (1961-10-06) (age 62)
Residence London
Occupation Reader in anthropology

The son of self-taught working-class intellectuals, David Graeber is an anarchist anthropologist. He won a Fulbright fellowship and completed a Ph.D. on magic, slavery, and politics in Madagascar. He is a relatively prominent academic (whose rehiring Yale turned down in 2007 - defying a petition of almost 5000 signatories), currently employed by Goldsmiths, University of London.

Graeber recently published the book Debt, The First 5000 Years, which was read on the show. He has a long history of activism including a role in protests against the World Economic Forum in New York City in 2002, membership in the IWW. He was one of the organizers of the Occupy Wall St. protests.

See Also
