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|summary=What options and actions are open to us, given that our nominally democratic government is in thrall to corporate power?. In the first hour of the program, we'll hear two speakers on the subject of mass protest. In our second hour, we'll address
|summary=What options and actions are open to us, given that our nominally democratic government is in thrall to corporate power? What should we do, and how?
|description=In the first hour of the program, we'll hear two speakers, Michael Albert of Z Magazine and Ward Churchill, Native American activist/scholar, on the subject of mass protest. In our second hour, we'll address workers rights, from factories in china to farms in Oregon.
|contributors=[[Michael Albert]], [[Ward Churchill]]
|contributors=[[Michael Albert]], [[Ward Churchill]]
|credits=Producer: Unwelcome Guests Collective
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Revision as of 06:36, 28 August 2010

#45#46#47#48 Episode #49 - Views on Organized Resistance



Sat 10 February 2001  Michael Albert, Ward Churchill
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2What options and actions are open to us, given that our nominally democratic government is in thrall to corporate power? What should we do, and how?
In the first hour of the program, we'll hear two speakers, Michael Albert of Z Magazine and Ward Churchill, Native American activist/scholar, on the subject of mass protest. In our second hour, we'll address workers rights, from factories in china to farms in Oregon.
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