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|title=Utopia By Necessity
|title=Utopia By Necessity
|speakers=Julian Darley, Charlie Stevens
|contributors=Julian Darley, Charlie Stevens
|summary=Changing for the better post-peak oil.
|summary=Changing for the better post-peak oil.
|description=Restructuring society and economy in a sustainable and many believe, more livable, way.
|credits=Matt Soltys, David Rovics
|credits=Matt Soltys, David Rovics

Revision as of 02:58, 1 July 2010

#499#500#501#502 Episode #503 - Utopia By Necessity


Tue 16 February 2010  Julian Darley, Charlie Stevens
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2Changing for the better post-peak oil.
Restructuring society and economy in a sustainable and many believe, more livable, way.
Matt Soltys, David Rovics
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