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== About ==
<!--Wikisource for UG Coverpage as of episode #750-->
''Unwelcome Guests'' is a 2 hour weekly radio show about wealth, power,
and constructive ways to build a better world for all.  
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* [[504 | This week's episode]],
* [ Show archive]
== Intelligent Talk [[where|Radio]] ==
== News ==
<span class="plainlinks">[[image:2011-logo.jpg|link=Latest_Episode|alt=#750 - Black Is The New White (A Critical Review Of The 20th Century And The Prospects For Permanent Peace In The 21st) This is a deep dive into the divide between the story of progress in which the competition of all against all is leading to a richer, more developed and world and the reality in which all ecological systems seem to be in a deep decline. Inspired by the prophetic episode 87, Escaping The Matrix from June 2000, this super-extended show is my selection from 1500 hours of former episodes, a reflection on the 21st century ideological dark matter which has left a lot of humanity like rabbits caught in our own headlights - blinded, paralysed, confused between black and white, knowing that it is time to run, but unsure of the direction. How to respond to unprecedented levels of hunger and depression? Why is so much human and fossil fuel energy spent on destroying our habitat? Or to roll out ever more violent technology that makes all of life more unhealthy and insecure? Is there, as President Eisenhower asked, "no other way the world may live"? Using first hand testimony where possible, we begin by scrutinising the smoke and mirrors of modern US history. Using concepts such as the "free market", "democracy" and "terrorism" we introduce The Deep State, the supranational (and increasingly close) alliance of formerly separate criminal gangs that coopted national governments. Our focus is not on the individuals but the larger concepts which make up what Charles Eisenstein termed "the ubiquitous matrix of lies". We conclude with a look at the neurological and cultural basis of the emergent matrix, and the ways in which the an ever more global, grassroots rethink is increasingly undercutting it. I pray this show will boost interest in the Kellogg Briand pact and so help move us away from war and towards an authentic global democratic consciousness.|#750 - Black Is The New White (A Critical Review Of The 20th Century And The Prospects For Permanent Peace In The 21st) This is a deep dive into the divide between the story of progress in which the competition of all against all is leading to a richer, more developed and world and the reality in which all ecological systems seem to be in a deep decline. Inspired by the prophetic episode 87, Escaping The Matrix from June 2000, this super-extended show is my selection from 1500 hours of former episodes, a reflection on the 21st century ideological dark matter which has left a lot of humanity like rabbits caught in our own headlights - blinded, paralysed, confused between black and white, knowing that it is time to run, but unsure of the direction. How to respond to unprecedented levels of hunger and depression? Why is so much human and fossil fuel energy spent on destroying our habitat? Or to roll out ever more violent technology that makes all of life more unhealthy and insecure? Is there, as President Eisenhower asked, "no other way the world may live"? Using first hand testimony where possible, we begin by scrutinising the smoke and mirrors of modern US history. Using concepts such as the "free market", "democracy" and "terrorism" we introduce The Deep State, the supranational (and increasingly close) alliance of formerly separate criminal gangs that coopted national governments. Our focus is not on the individuals but the larger concepts which make up what Charles Eisenstein termed "the ubiquitous matrix of lies". We conclude with a look at the neurological and cultural basis of the emergent matrix, and the ways in which the an ever more global, grassroots rethink is increasingly undercutting it. I pray this show will boost interest in the Kellogg Briand pact and so help move us away from war and towards an authentic global democratic consciousness.]]<br/><h3>Made since 2000, for love, not [[:category:money |money]] ...</h3></span></center>
2010-06-21 Welcome to the new website. It's not yet ship shape, but feel free to [[Special:UserLogin | make a login]] and start editing.
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== New Topics ==
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{{coverstrip |number=750 |title=Black Is The New White |subtitle=A Critical Review Of The 20th Century And The Prospects For Permanent Peace In The 21st|backcolor=#cc6622|fontcolor=white| alt=#750 Black Is The New White - (A Critical Review Of The 20th Century And The Prospects For Permanent Peace In The 21st)This is a deep dive into the divide between the story of progress in which the competition of all against all is leading to a richer, more developed and world and the reality in which all ecological systems seem to be in a deep decline. Inspired by the prophetic episode 87, Escaping The Matrix from June 2000, this super-extended show is my selection from 1500 hours of former episodes, a reflection on the 21st century ideological dark matter which has left a lot of humanity like rabbits caught in our own headlights - blinded, paralysed, confused between black and white, knowing that it is time to run, but unsure of the direction. How to respond to unprecedented levels of hunger and depression? Why is so much human and fossil fuel energy spent on destroying our habitat? Or to roll out ever more violent technology that makes all of life more unhealthy and insecure? Is there, as President Eisenhower asked, "no other way the world may live"? Using first hand testimony where possible, we begin by scrutinising the smoke and mirrors of modern US history. Using concepts such as the "free market", "democracy" and "terrorism" we introduce The Deep State, the supranational (and increasingly close) alliance of formerly separate criminal gangs that coopted national governments. Our focus is not on the individuals but the larger concepts which make up what Charles Eisenstein termed "the ubiquitous matrix of lies". We conclude with a look at the neurological and cultural basis of the emergent matrix, and the ways in which the an ever more global, grassroots rethink is increasingly undercutting it. I pray this show will boost interest in the Kellogg Briand pact and so help move us away from war and towards an authentic global democratic consciousness.}}
* [[:Category:Gift Economy]]
{{coverstrip |number=749 |title=On The Rise and Fall of US Corporatocracy |subtitle=Fascism, The Corruption of Democracy and The Family| alt=#749 On The Rise and Fall of US Corporatocracy - (Fascism, The Corruption of Democracy and The Family) We examine the rise of fascism in the USA in the last century. Chris Hedges and Richard Wolff detail how US corporations conspired with the US deep state in an effort to destroy the family and liberal democratic government, even while championing "family values" and "democracy". We also hear about the 1934 US Business Plot, a failed fascist coup which FDR helped to cover up after reaching a compromise with the Wall St. plotters.}}
* [[:Category:Psychology]]
{{coverstrip |number=748 |title=The Tyranny of Enemy Images - 3 |subtitle=Pedophilia As A Tool Of The Deep State| alt=#748 The Tyranny of Enemy Images - 3 - (Pedophilia As A Tool Of The Deep State)Continuing our series on 'Enemy Images', we concentrate this time on another label used to promote fear and demonize people - the "pedo-phile" (literally "child lover"). We examine how this image may prove useful to the deep state for blackmail purposes, and reflect on the gradual exposure of pedophile rings populated by senior politicians, judges and those people whose integrity is crucial to the smooth running of modern society. Why do so many investigations appear to founder just before criminal charges are made?}}
{{coverstrip |number=747 |title=The Tyranny of Enemy Images - 2 |subtitle=The Fools' Choice Of Totalitarianism Or "Terrorism"|last=1| alt=#747 The Tyranny of Enemy Images - 2 - (The Fools' Choice Of Totalitarianism Or "Terrorism")This time, we continue the theme from episode 746, which highlighted how "enemy images" reduce people's ability to empathise and to make objective judgements, as opposed to a clear focus on observable reality. We look at a word which since 1979 has become the basis of innumerable laws, but which lacks a legal definition. Professor Reni Broulin describes the findings of his research into the multiple meanings of the word "terrorism", and Robin Upton declares that, like the "war on terror", he will only use such a loaded invoker of enemy images, if at all, inside double quotes.}}
== Latest New Contributors ==
* [[:Category:George Lakoff | George Lakoff]]
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* [[:Category:Alfie Kohn | Alfie Kohn]]
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| {{thumbnail |number=750 |title=Black Is The New White |subtitle=A Critical Review Of The 20th Century And The Prospects For Permanent Peace In The 21st |alt=#750 Black Is The New White - (A Critical Review Of The 20th Century And The Prospects For Permanent Peace In The 21st) This is a deep dive into the divide between the story of progress in which the competition of all against all is leading to a richer, more developed and world and the reality in which all ecological systems seem to be in a deep decline. Inspired by the prophetic episode 87, Escaping The Matrix from June 2000, this super-extended show is my selection from 1500 hours of former episodes, a reflection on the 21st century ideological dark matter which has left a lot of humanity like rabbits caught in our own headlights - blinded, paralysed, confused between black and white, knowing that it is time to run, but unsure of the direction. How to respond to unprecedented levels of hunger and depression? Why is so much human and fossil fuel energy spent on destroying our habitat? Or to roll out ever more violent technology that makes all of life more unhealthy and insecure? Is there, as President Eisenhower asked, "no other way the world may live"? Using first hand testimony where possible, we begin by scrutinising the smoke and mirrors of modern US history. Using concepts such as the "free market", "democracy" and "terrorism" we introduce The Deep State, the supranational (and increasingly close) alliance of formerly separate criminal gangs that coopted national governments. Our focus is not on the individuals but the larger concepts which make up what Charles Eisenstein termed "the ubiquitous matrix of lies". We conclude with a look at the neurological and cultural basis of the emergent matrix, and the ways in which the an ever more global, grassroots rethink is increasingly undercutting it. I pray this show will boost interest in the Kellogg Briand pact and so help move us away from war and towards an authentic global democratic consciousness.}}
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| {{thumbnail |number=740 |title=The Words and Deeds of the US Deep State |subtitle=Fletcher Prouty, JFK, Vietnam, The Secret Team, Snowden Affair, BBG, The Underground Reich |alt=#740 The Words and Deeds of the US Deep State - (Fletcher Prouty, JFK, Vietnam, The Secret Team, Snowden Affair, BBG, The Underground Reich) We expand on episode 739 with a 1993 recording of retired Airforce Colonel Fletcher Prouty speaking on his experience of the Bay of Pigs operation and on the Vietnam war. Prouty's testimony provides insights into how the early CIA covert operations were run and especially how they were coordinated with other branches of the US government. In our second hour Dave Emory examines evidence suggesting that the Edward Snowden Affair is a deep state operation, intended to corral hacktivists to use deep state-backdoored cryptographic software.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=741 |title=Solving 9-11 - Part 1 |subtitle=A detailed look by Chris Bollyn |alt=#741 Solving 9-11 - Part 1 - (A detailed look by Chris Bollyn) This week Chris Bollyn starts reading Solving 9-11, his latest book on the topic, which gives us context by looking at Israel's long record of False Flag attacks.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=742 |title=Solving 9-11 - Part 2 |subtitle=A detailed look by Chris Bollyn |alt=#742 Solving 9-11 - Part 2 - (A detailed look by Chris Bollyn) Chris Bollyn continues to read ''Solving 9-11'', his latest book on the topic. He draws parallels with other events such as 7/7 and the sinking of the MS Estonia, both of which also had coincident terrorist drills that mirrored what actually happened.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=743 |title=Abandoning Wage Slavery |subtitle=And The Illusion of Social Power |alt=#743 Abandoning Wage Slavery - (And The Illusion of Social Power) We return to look more closely at a topic which has long been of central importance to the show - the corrupting influence of the modern money system. Specifically, what are the problems of telling people not that if they wish to eat, they must work, but that they must have a paid job. For inspiration we relisten to Ivan Illich from episode #523 in which he predicts an end to social power. In the first hour, Robin expands on what this might mean in the arena of money, using his insights from his 18 years in Bangladesh. In the second year, we hear an adaptation of a film about the global movement towards a universal income, followed up a longer section of the original Illich quote.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=744 |title=The Machine Stops |subtitle=Three Wise Men on The Implications of Human Stabulation |alt=#744 The Machine Stops - (Three Wise Men on The Implications of Human Stabulation) This episode is a successor show to episode 639, which examined the connections between technology and totalitarianism. Exceptionally, our title piece is an short story so old as to be no longer under copyright! As a counterpoint to this vintage sci-fi, two other interesting thinkers: a 1974 recording of Ivan Illich on the dangers of mechanising food production while a dependent population are stabulated (housed) in sterile concrete, followed by an introduction to the outrageous ideas of the psychonaut John C. Lilly in particular his dystopian vision of the Solid State Entity.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=745 |title=The Hall Of Mirrors |subtitle=John Taylor Gatto Special |alt=#745 The Hall Of Mirrors - (John Taylor Gatto Special) John Taylor Gatto has contributed a lot to this show, perhaps more in terms of episodes than anyone else. Nevertheless, I'm giving another show over to him, since this speech, The Hall Of Mirrors, is such an excellent summary of the predicament of the United States of America - a nation which for generations has been attempting - not without success - to indoctrinate each new generation to greater heights of dependency upon the corporate system. This speech, from about 2009, really pulls it together, and gives a great historical perspective.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=746 |title=The Tyranny of The Enemy Images - 1 |subtitle=The Origins of the Phoenix Program |alt=#746 The Tyranny of The Enemy Images - 1 - (The Origins of the Phoenix Program) In our first hour this week, a detailed look at the Phoenix Program, a systematic effort to undermine social cohesion in South Vietnam, to increase support for the US-backed regime. The eventual failure of the program of mass torture and murder, as Douglas Valentine explains, hasn't stopped the CIA from refining and re-applying this model to 21st century USA. In our second hour, we consider the Phoenix program as a symptom of what Marshall Rosenberg refers to as 'enemy images'.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=747 |title=The Tyranny of Enemy Images - 2 |subtitle=The Fools' Choice Of Totalitarianism Or "Terrorism" |alt=#747 The Tyranny of Enemy Images - 2 - (The Fools' Choice Of Totalitarianism Or "Terrorism") This time, we continue the theme from episode 746, which highlighted how "enemy images" reduce people's ability to empathise and to make objective judgements, as opposed to a clear focus on observable reality. We look at a word which since 1979 has become the basis of innumerable laws, but which lacks a legal definition. Professor Reni Broulin describes the findings of his research into the multiple meanings of the word "terrorism", and Robin Upton declares that, like the "war on terror", he will only use such a loaded invoker of enemy images, if at all, inside double quotes.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=748 |title=The Tyranny of Enemy Images - 3 |subtitle=Pedophilia As A Tool Of The Deep State |alt=#748 The Tyranny of Enemy Images - 3 - (Pedophilia As A Tool Of The Deep State) Continuing our series on 'Enemy Images', we concentrate this time on another label used to promote fear and demonize people - the "pedo-phile" (literally "child lover"). We examine how this image may prove useful to the deep state for blackmail purposes, and reflect on the gradual exposure of pedophile rings populated by senior politicians, judges and those people whose integrity is crucial to the smooth running of modern society. Why do so many investigations appear to founder just before criminal charges are made?}}
| {{thumbnail |number=749 |title=On The Rise and Fall of US Corporatocracy |subtitle=Fascism, The Corruption of Democracy and The Family |alt=#749 On The Rise and Fall of US Corporatocracy - (Fascism, The Corruption of Democracy and The Family)  We examine the rise of fascism in the USA in the last century. Chris Hedges and Richard Wolff detail how US corporations conspired with the US deep state in an effort to destroy the family and liberal democratic government, even while championing "family values" and "democracy". We also hear about the 1934 US Business Plot, a failed fascist coup which FDR helped to cover up after reaching a compromise with the Wall St. plotters.}}
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| {{thumbnail |number=730 |title=The Life Blood of Empire |subtitle=Secrets of The Seven Sisters |alt=#730 The Life Blood of Empire - (Secrets of The Seven Sisters) This week, a look at the stuff of empire, that is, the resource of preeminent importance to understanding geopolitics in the 21st century - petroleum. We adapt a documentary on The Seven Sisters, supplemented with the research of Russ Baker.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=731 |title=The Global Oiligarchy |subtitle=Secrets of The Seven Sisters 2 |alt=#731 The Global Oiligarchy - (Secrets of The Seven Sisters 2) This week, we conclude our adaption of ''The Seven Sisters'' and supplement it by the research of [[James Corbett]] on the influence of the US "Oiligarchs" over the rest of US society. As he notes, the US oil barons were effective in their takeover of other aspects of US society including the money, educational and food supply systems.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=732 |title=A Billion Here and A Billion There, Pretty Soon You're Talking Real Money |subtitle=Pete Brewton on The Enterprise's Savings &amp; Loan Fraud |alt=#732 A Billion Here and A Billion There, Pretty Soon You're Talking Real Money - (Pete Brewton on The Enterprise's Savings &amp; Loan Fraud) We look at a new topic on the show - one of the largest frauds committed in the USA in the 20th Century - and why it is that the looting of hundreds of billions of dollars has for the most part not only gone unpunished but uninvestigated. Our speaker is Pete Brewton, author of "The Mafia, The CIA and George Bush".}}
| {{thumbnail |number=733 |title=The Mena Connection |subtitle=Laundering Drug Profits and Shipping Guns to Nicaragua |alt=#733 The Mena Connection - (Laundering Drug Profits and Shipping Guns to Nicaragua) Another episode which illuminates the murky doings of the deep state in the US; we hear the soundtrack from a 1995 film which gives an insider's eye view of "The Enterprise". Terry Reed was a CIA spook whose distaste for drug trafficking lead to him attempt to blow the whistle on what the corporate media - misleadingly - referred to as "Iran-Contra". After outlining the drugs for weapons operation that was run out of Mena, Arkansas - including how the money was laundered through the Arkansas bond market with the help of the Clintons' entourage - the show centers on how the Reeds took flight from a rogue US Justice system which had labeled them as "armed and dangerous" drug traffickers.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=734 |title=The Case of The Missing Inquest |subtitle=The Implausible Death of Dr. David Kelly |alt=#734 The Case of The Missing Inquest - (The Implausible Death of Dr. David Kelly) Did you know that Dr. David Kelly is perhaps unique among UK citizens in that his obviously unnatural death has never been the subject of an inquest? The "inquiry" tasked with investigating it did not take testimony under oath, left many questions not unanswered but u_nasked_ (such as why there where no fingerprints on the knife!) and was headed by a hand-picked appointee of war criminal Tony Blair. A solid introduction to the case by Norman Baker MP is followed by a range of other voices that helps explain why the UK government has chosen to sidestep the circumstances of Dr. Kelly's death.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=735 |title=Thinking Outside The Bucks |subtitle=The Authenticity of A Life Beyond Money |alt=#735 Thinking Outside The Bucks - (The Authenticity of A Life Beyond Money) A more personal show than usual, which I hope will prove an appealing contrast to the crimes of the Deep State. We return to a familiar theme of this show, the importance of following our heart, of working for love not money. A range of speakers, some new, some old, combine to challenge our ideas of self, of what it means to be a human, and of what we might achieve if we align our heads and hearts. We conclude with the vision of Chris Larcombe, who realized during his Ph.D in epigenetics that he was more interested in creating a moneyless system of interaction which would allow people, en masse, to better coordinate and help realise one another's dreams.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=736 |title=Why 9/11 Is Still The Issue |subtitle=Understanding The Institutional Silence on 9/11 |alt=#736 Why 9/11 Is Still The Issue - (Understanding The Institutional Silence on 9/11) We begin with an excellent academic paper on the historical and legal matters surrounding 9/11. Amy Baker Benjamin asks why, given both any abundance of evidence, and ample historical precedent for the use of false flags to initiate wars, has the UN singularly failed to carry out any investigation into the US government's claims surrounding the events of Sep 11th? Any why does &gt;99% of academic scholarship on the topic not tackle substantive issues such as who actually carried out 9/11 and on what grounds? In our second hour, we hear a recent interview with Chris Bollyn which connects more of the 9/11 dots, pointing the finger at Mossad.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=737 |title=The War On Obesity |subtitle=The Ongoing Global Poisoning |alt=#737 The War On Obesity - (The Ongoing Global Poisoning) Two powerful and informative speakers with complementary perspectives on the declining health of the US population. First we hear Rebecca Anshell Song on Sexism and the Food and Diet Industry. She highlights the impossibility of the modern targets set for feminine beauty - and the consequences ranging from suicide and despair of affected women to the millions of cosmetic operations carried out in an effort to achieve physically impossible ideals of feminine beauty. Our main speaker is Professor Robert H. Lustig who observes that the "war on obesity", just like the war on drugs and the war on terrorism, is having counterproductive effects and in fact promoting obesity, as well as making large profits for corporations in the process.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=738 |title=Technowar in Vietnam |subtitle=Misadventures of The Market Model |alt=#738 Technowar in Vietnam - (Misadventures of The Market Model) This week we combine two successive episodes of the classic dissident cable show, Alternative Views. Professor William Gibson describes his 1987 book, which underscores the disastrous results which followed from the US military's enthusiastic embrace of capitalist market ideology, using now all too familiar methods to maximize the army's capacity to "produce" an enemy bodycount. Gibson's comments on the context and conduct of the Vietnam war are incisive and, sadly, still all relevant.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=739 |title=The Devil's Chessboard |subtitle=The BIS and David Talbot on Allen Dulles |alt=#739 The Devil's Chessboard - (The BIS and David Talbot on Allen Dulles) Our main piece this week is an interview with David Talbot on his 2015 book, The Devil's Chessboard, which centers on the early CIA and especially the role of Allen Dulles. The observations made about Dulles correlate pretty closely with what is known about the Deep State in the USA. We conclude with Adam Lebor throwing light on another of history's dark corner's - the Basel based Bank For International Settlements.}}
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| {{thumbnail |number=720 |title=The Conspiracy Of Silence |subtitle=VIPaedophile, Blackmail and The Deep State |alt=#720 The Conspiracy Of Silence - (VIPaedophile, Blackmail and The Deep State) This week, we tackle a new topic on the show, which some have dubbed "VIPaedophile". We hear the sound tracks of a pair of investigative documentaries on organized child sexual abuse. First, "Spies, Lords and Predators" which looks at what it terms "the biggest political scandal Britain has ever faced". Next, we hear an interview with respected investigative film maker, Tim Tate, about the making of The Conspiracy Of Silence, his 1980s ground breaking expose of organized child sex abuse in USA. He tells how, after the film had been, produced, and the rough cut was approved by legal advisors, and even scheduled for broadcast, it was suddenly pulled, and has never aired in USA to this day. One or more of the witnesses who testified in the film were later found dead. After his interview about the film, we hear an adaption of the film itself, which is now available on the internet.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=721 |title=Analysing The Mind-numbering Orwellian Contradictions |subtitle=Israel, "Anti-semitism", Free Speech and False Flag Terror |alt=#721 Analysing The Mind-numbering Orwellian Contradictions - (Israel, "Anti-semitism", Free Speech and False Flag Terror) Why was the "Je suis Charlie" celebration of free speech event followed by the biggest crackdown on free speech in French history? Kevin Barrett describes it as a "mind-numbering Orwellian contradiction, a lot like what happened after 9-11 when we were told that 'The reason they attacked us was they hate our freedoms' so let's destroy freedoms, let's shred the bill or rights, pass the Patriot Act and lock down the country." We consider the Israeli angle of Islamophobia induced by the "Moslem terrorist" meme promoted by the commercially-controlled media.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=722 |title=A Milieu of The European Deep State |subtitle=NATO and The Bilderberg |alt=#722 A Milieu of The European Deep State - (NATO and The Bilderberg) This is the most intense look we've taken at the Bilderberg group since episode 528. In the 5 years since that show was produced, Bilderberg has been much more under the media spotlight. We begin with Charlie Skelton comparing the experience of reporting on the G7 with reporting on the Bilderberg. Next we hear a 2007 summary of the Bilderberg group by Daniel Estulin and some concluding thoughts by Tony Gosling.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=723 |title=A US Deep State Event |subtitle=The Deep Implications of the 9-11 Money Trail |alt=#723 A US Deep State Event - (The Deep Implications of the 9-11 Money Trail) We continue our study of the deep state with a fresh look at what has emerged about the defining 21st century deep event, the attacks of September 11th. While that date inevitably invokes mental images of fireball and collapsing towers, we look instead at the financial implications. These range from Stratesec director Wirt Dexter Walker's $50,000 insider trade through a range of mid level fraud, up to the hundreds of billions of US Bonds which were due on that date and the trillions of dollars which have gone missing from the Pentagon budget. What does this complex pattern of innumerable financial frauds carried out on that day tell us about the interrelationships of the shadowy cabal of deep state insiders who pulled it off? And what about the technologies which may have been used on that day?}}
| {{thumbnail |number=724 |title=Calling a SCAD a SCAD |subtitle=State Crimes Against Democracy, Operation Gladio 1 |alt=#724 Calling a SCAD a SCAD - (State Crimes Against Democracy, Operation Gladio 1) This week we begin an audio adaption of the best film that will ever made on Operation Gladio, Allan Francovich's famous 1992 expose. To introduce it, a 90 minute talk from Lance deHaven-Smith on State Crimes Against Democracy (SCADs) - a term which he thinks we should start using as a prelude to prosecuting those responsible.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=725 |title=An Ongoing Deep State Clean Up |subtitle=Dennis Hastert, The 1996 COINTELPRO II Directive, Operation Gladio 2 |alt=#725 An Ongoing Deep State Clean Up - (Dennis Hastert, The 1996 COINTELPRO II Directive, Operation Gladio 2) We continue our adaption of Allan Francovich's film about Operation Gladio. However, the majority of this episode is a review of the 1996 New COINTELPRO operation, started under Clinton, which is currently being framed in the US commercial media as the "Denis Hastert case". We sew together 4 recent podcasts from Sibel Edmonds (the US' most classified woman) who has been blowing the whistle on this case for over a decade, and from whom insight is therefore to be expected as to what will happen with this case, and most interestingly, what the controlled media is not informing us about.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=726 |title=The Flight From Death |subtitle=The Central Importance of Death Anxiety, Operation Gladio 3 |alt=#726 The Flight From Death - (The Central Importance of Death Anxiety, Operation Gladio 3) In our 15 year history, we have addressed a wide range of topics. It is a rare episode which tackles a new topic, an even rarer one in which we tackle a new topic with such direct relevance to so many earlier shows. Today's show fits that description, examining the theories of cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker, that fear of our own mortality is a topic of unparralleled importance - but one that humans psychology encourages us to shy away from rather than. For an example of the dangers of living without due scepticism of "immortality symbols" we conclude with part 3 of our ongoing adaption of Allan Francovich's film about Operation Gladio.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=727 |title=The Terrorism-Surveillance Complex |subtitle=Diane Roark, Gladio 4 |alt=#727 The Terrorism-Surveillance Complex - (Diane Roark, Gladio 4) This week,we begin with a talk from the most senior NSA whistleblower you're probably never heard of, Diane Roark, who doesn't mince her words about what the NSA are really spying on. As we hear, the deep state made reprisals against her but were unable to pin anything on her. We conclude the show with the final of our 4 part adaption of Allan Francovich's Operation Gladio.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=728 |title=Globalizing The Occupation |subtitle=Israel's Service to The Hegemon, Britain's Fusion Intelligence Complex |alt=#728 Globalizing The Occupation - (Israel's Service to The Hegemon, Britain's Fusion Intelligence Complex) "You have to treat the public as potential terrorists - not as citizens", says Jeff Halper, describing the logic of the endgame of global capitalism, which he describes in his book as a "Global War Against The People". Pointing to its huge security-industrial-intelligence complex, he looks at Israel as a leader in this new economy. By exploiting the Palestinians as a resource, its research into methods of controlling a subject population has assisted in the development of weapons technologies such as drones and nanobots. In our second hour, we read a paper which looks at social structures and linguistic frames which are being rolled out to support hegemony worldwide by deliberately blurring the distinctions between violent terrorism and non-violent dissent.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=729 |title=The Dynamics of Deep State Capture |subtitle=The SEC, Bear Stearns, Gary Aguirre |alt=#729 The Dynamics of Deep State Capture - (The SEC, Bear Stearns, Gary Aguirre) This week, we examine the topic of regulatory capture in the US financial sector. We hear of some smoking guns which are hidden in plain sight - the blindingly obvious leads not properly investigated by the SEC, the FBI, the US Justice Department or any agency of the US government. Our main presentation is a 90 minute piece from lawyer and SEC whistleblower Gary Aguirre is introduced by an outline of the take down of Bear Stearns from - which although produced in 2009 has enduring relevance for anyone seeking to better understand the importance of the Deep State in the Financial 'Crisis'.}}
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| {{thumbnail |number=710 |title=Facing The Failing Culture Of Control - 3 |subtitle=The Simplicity of The Singapore Model |alt=#710 Facing The Failing Culture Of Control - 3 - (The Simplicity of The Singapore Model) We have another program in our series on the failing culture of control. Last time we looked at the development of nuclear technology as a result of competition between nation states, this time we look instead at the 21st development of social technology to divide and conquer the world's population. Faced with the organized efforts to misdirect their altruistic impulses of the public at large by terrorizing them and implanting false beliefs, 3 speakers voice their iconoclastic and unwavering dissent.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=711 |title=Facing The Failing Culture Of Control - 4 |subtitle=The Sickening Development of Modern Medicine |alt=#711 Facing The Failing Culture Of Control - 4 - (The Sickening Development of Modern Medicine) We review the infamous Tuskeegee syphilis experiment and its even more murderous offshore equivalent, noting that the US government's apology to those affected did not stop it using "sovereign immunity" to block their class action lawsuit - since the deeds occurred outside of the USA. The lead attorney, Piper Hendricks shares her frustration. We conclude with an interview of Toni Bark, host of "Bought, The Movie" on regulatory capture by big pharma of CDC and the difficulty of assessment of the health risks of vaccines in light of the huge amounts of money involved.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=712 |title=Facing The Failing Culture Of Control - 5 |subtitle=Deep State Control Freakery You May Have Missed |alt=#712 Facing The Failing Culture Of Control - 5 - (Deep State Control Freakery You May Have Missed) Our series on the failure of control returns to Unwelcome Guests core topics - trying to make sense of deep events and the shady dealings of deep political insiders. Although we cover a wide range of malfeasance, all the material we cover relates more or less directly to various actions by the Deep State. We hear Sander Hicks on a range of Sep 11th related topics (many of them new to the show), followed by Russ Baker on the Boston Marathon Bombing. We conclude with a recent overview of the deep state from Peter Dale Scott and a short segment from commercially-controlled media noting that even 6 years after the event, no explanation has been forthcoming of the E4B that flew over the White House on the morning of 9/11.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=713 |title=The Deep State in Western Europe, 1972-1986 |subtitle=The Viscious Cercle Of Anti-Communist Terrorism |alt=#713 The Deep State in Western Europe, 1972-1986 - (The Viscious Cercle Of Anti-Communist Terrorism) This week, a range of materials from scholarly articles to YouTube videos sheds some light on the murky world of post-WW2 deep political intrigue in Europe. The NATO run Operation Gladio is our point of departure, but False Flag terrorism is just the most dramatic of many forms of psychological warfare. In our second hour we look at an even now relatively little known group called "Le Cercle" which appears to have been actively engaged in similarly Machiavellian political manipulation carried out in many of the self-styled "democracies" of Western Europe.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=714 |title=Sowing Dragon's Teeth From the Cold War to The JCIT |subtitle=The Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism |alt=#714 Sowing Dragon's Teeth From the Cold War to The JCIT - (The Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism) Unnoticed and unreported at the time, the July 1979 Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism was a seminal event in the history of the "War on Terror". Organised by Benjamin Netanyahu, speakers included George H. W. Bush, Brian Crozier and some of his friends from Le Cercle, academics and deep state actors met to discuss and spin the yarn of the "global war on terror". We begin with a speech on the USA's sponsorship and conscious radicalization of terrorist groups by Nafeez Ahmed and read the first half of an article (also from 2006) by Brian Bogart, entitled Sins of Statecraft: The War on Terror Exposed.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=715 |title=The Deep Roots of Dragon's Teeth |subtitle=Blowing The Whistle on Whistleblower Protection |alt=#715 The Deep Roots of Dragon's Teeth - (Blowing The Whistle on Whistleblower Protection) This week we emphasize the structural roots of the current spate of False Flag terrorism - the unaccountable power of the supranational Deep State. Public 'checks and balances' to stop 'bad apples' will never tackle the problem of a barrel that is itself rotten; laws passed by states seek to hide, not to expose the hidden and therefore unaccountable nexus of self-interest that is the deep state. In our first hour, a debunking of "whistleblower protection". In our second, we continue reading Brian Bogart's, Sins of Statecraft: The War on Terror Exposed. A 20 minute time out to hear from J. Michael Springmann, formerly head of the visa issuing section in the US consulate in Jeddah, who was unceremoniously dismissed after attempting to blow the whistle on the irregular visa issuing practices.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=716 |title=The Dark Heart of The Vast Machine |subtitle=Secret Society, Secret Justice and The War of Terror |alt=#716 The Dark Heart of The Vast Machine - (Secret Society, Secret Justice and The War of Terror) This episode is a thoughtful exploration of the reality of UK democracy, and is liberally seasoned by Robin Upton musing on the Deep State. We begin with Secret Society - a BBC expose of the political process that was made in the 1980s but after being "leaned on" was never broadcast. Next Secret Justice, an essay on the fundamental unaccountability of MI5, claims to the contrary notwithstanding. We conclude our reading of Brian Bogart's Sins of Statecraft: The War on Terror Exposed.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=717 |title=One video, Posted On Youtube |subtitle=Iran-Contra, Drugs and more Drugs |alt=#717 One video, Posted On Youtube - (Iran-Contra, Drugs and more Drugs) Wikipedia, that guardian of the WWW official narrative, does not admit that drug trafficking played a part in the bu$ine$$ of Iran-Contra. In our first hour, first hand testimony of flying plane loads of cocaine into USA during that period. We hear how this was connected in a young man's mind to arms dealing, money laundering and his patriotic duty to fight communism - and what transpired after he told his handlers that he wanted out, to live a quiet life in Europe. In our second hour, a vintage episode of Radio Free America centers on the assassination of Barry Seal and its relationship to Iran Contra, revealing that even while 'investigations' were ongoing to cover it up, some commentators had grasped the relevance of the drug smuggling angle.}}
| {{thumbnail |number=718 |title=The Increasing Shallowness of The Deep State |subtitle=From Libya to Oklahoma, Bombs and more Bombs |alt=#718 The Increasing Shallowness of The Deep State - (From Libya to Oklahoma, Bombs and more Bombs) This week, material from 15 years back through to 5 days back detail continued deep state malfeasance hidden in plain sight. Did you hear the story of the CIA "bad apple" who sold a planeload of military grade C4 explosive to Libya, together with a course in bombmaking by US Green Berets? Or how the CIA's Inspector General perjured himself to try and cover it up... only to be later granted immunity when the truth emerged? Don't try this at home! Our main piece is James Corbett's review of what has emerged in the last 20 years about the Oklahoma City bombing. We conclude with an open letter by Nafeez Ahmed to "Britain's leading violent extremist" - David Cameron. Why does he ignore the leading researchers (including many in his own government) and surround himself instead with deceitful terror "experts" who have spookily close connections to the arms industry and the deep state? I wonder...}}
| {{thumbnail |number=719 |title=The Processes and Logic of The Deep State |subtitle=The American Deep State by Peter Dale Scott |alt=#719 The Processes and Logic of The Deep State - (The American Deep State by Peter Dale Scott) Unusually, just a single speaker this week: one two hour interview with the doyen of deep political research, Canadian Professor Peter Dale Scott. He provides not only a lot of details of the evolution of the post WW2 deep state in the USA, but also sketches out its guiding principles, some of the deeper patterns which allow one to understand the superficially confusing and contradictory actions of the US deep state.}}
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Intelligent Talk Radio

#750 - Black Is The New White (A Critical Review Of The 20th Century And The Prospects For Permanent Peace In The 21st) This is a deep dive into the divide between the story of progress in which the competition of all against all is leading to a richer, more developed and world and the reality in which all ecological systems seem to be in a deep decline. Inspired by the prophetic episode 87, Escaping The Matrix from June 2000, this super-extended show is my selection from 1500 hours of former episodes, a reflection on the 21st century ideological dark matter which has left a lot of humanity like rabbits caught in our own headlights - blinded, paralysed, confused between black and white, knowing that it is time to run, but unsure of the direction. How to respond to unprecedented levels of hunger and depression? Why is so much human and fossil fuel energy spent on destroying our habitat? Or to roll out ever more violent technology that makes all of life more unhealthy and insecure? Is there, as President Eisenhower asked, "no other way the world may live"? Using first hand testimony where possible, we begin by scrutinising the smoke and mirrors of modern US history. Using concepts such as the "free market", "democracy" and "terrorism" we introduce The Deep State, the supranational (and increasingly close) alliance of formerly separate criminal gangs that coopted national governments. Our focus is not on the individuals but the larger concepts which make up what Charles Eisenstein termed "the ubiquitous matrix of lies". We conclude with a look at the neurological and cultural basis of the emergent matrix, and the ways in which the an ever more global, grassroots rethink is increasingly undercutting it. I pray this show will boost interest in the Kellogg Briand pact and so help move us away from war and towards an authentic global democratic consciousness.

Made since 2000, for love, not money ...

#750 Black Is The New White - (A Critical Review Of The 20th Century And The Prospects For Permanent Peace In The 21st)This is a deep dive into the divide between the story of progress in which the competition of all against all is leading to a richer, more developed and world and the reality in which all ecological systems seem to be in a deep decline. Inspired by the prophetic episode 87, Escaping The Matrix from June 2000, this super-extended show is my selection from 1500 hours of former episodes, a reflection on the 21st century ideological dark matter which has left a lot of humanity like rabbits caught in our own headlights - blinded, paralysed, confused between black and white, knowing that it is time to run, but unsure of the direction. How to respond to unprecedented levels of hunger and depression? Why is so much human and fossil fuel energy spent on destroying our habitat? Or to roll out ever more violent technology that makes all of life more unhealthy and insecure? Is there, as President Eisenhower asked, "no other way the world may live"? Using first hand testimony where possible, we begin by scrutinising the smoke and mirrors of modern US history. Using concepts such as the "free market", "democracy" and "terrorism" we introduce The Deep State, the supranational (and increasingly close) alliance of formerly separate criminal gangs that coopted national governments. Our focus is not on the individuals but the larger concepts which make up what Charles Eisenstein termed "the ubiquitous matrix of lies". We conclude with a look at the neurological and cultural basis of the emergent matrix, and the ways in which the an ever more global, grassroots rethink is increasingly undercutting it. I pray this show will boost interest in the Kellogg Briand pact and so help move us away from war and towards an authentic global democratic consciousness. #750 - Black Is The New White
    (A Critical Review Of The 20th Century And The Prospects For Permanent Peace In The 21st)
#749 On The Rise and Fall of US Corporatocracy - (Fascism, The Corruption of Democracy and The Family) We examine the rise of fascism in the USA in the last century. Chris Hedges and Richard Wolff detail how US corporations conspired with the US deep state in an effort to destroy the family and liberal democratic government, even while championing "family values" and "democracy". We also hear about the 1934 US Business Plot, a failed fascist coup which FDR helped to cover up after reaching a compromise with the Wall St. plotters. #749 - On The Rise and Fall of US Corporatocracy
    (Fascism, The Corruption of Democracy and The Family)
#748 The Tyranny of Enemy Images - 3 - (Pedophilia As A Tool Of The Deep State)Continuing our series on 'Enemy Images', we concentrate this time on another label used to promote fear and demonize people - the "pedo-phile" (literally "child lover"). We examine how this image may prove useful to the deep state for blackmail purposes, and reflect on the gradual exposure of pedophile rings populated by senior politicians, judges and those people whose integrity is crucial to the smooth running of modern society. Why do so many investigations appear to founder just before criminal charges are made? #748 - The Tyranny of Enemy Images - 3
    (Pedophilia As A Tool Of The Deep State)
#747 The Tyranny of Enemy Images - 2 - (The Fools' Choice Of Totalitarianism Or "Terrorism")This time, we continue the theme from episode 746, which highlighted how "enemy images" reduce people's ability to empathise and to make objective judgements, as opposed to a clear focus on observable reality. We look at a word which since 1979 has become the basis of innumerable laws, but which lacks a legal definition. Professor Reni Broulin describes the findings of his research into the multiple meanings of the word "terrorism", and Robin Upton declares that, like the "war on terror", he will only use such a loaded invoker of enemy images, if at all, inside double quotes. #747 - The Tyranny of Enemy Images - 2
    (The Fools' Choice Of Totalitarianism Or "Terrorism")

# __0 __1 __2 __3 __4 __5 __6 __7 __8 __9 #
75_ #750 Black Is The New White - (A Critical Review Of The 20th Century And The Prospects For Permanent Peace In The 21st) This is a deep dive into the divide between the story of progress in which the competition of all against all is leading to a richer, more developed and world and the reality in which all ecological systems seem to be in a deep decline. Inspired by the prophetic episode 87, Escaping The Matrix from June 2000, this super-extended show is my selection from 1500 hours of former episodes, a reflection on the 21st century ideological dark matter which has left a lot of humanity like rabbits caught in our own headlights - blinded, paralysed, confused between black and white, knowing that it is time to run, but unsure of the direction. How to respond to unprecedented levels of hunger and depression? Why is so much human and fossil fuel energy spent on destroying our habitat? Or to roll out ever more violent technology that makes all of life more unhealthy and insecure? Is there, as President Eisenhower asked, "no other way the world may live"? Using first hand testimony where possible, we begin by scrutinising the smoke and mirrors of modern US history. Using concepts such as the "free market", "democracy" and "terrorism" we introduce The Deep State, the supranational (and increasingly close) alliance of formerly separate criminal gangs that coopted national governments. Our focus is not on the individuals but the larger concepts which make up what Charles Eisenstein termed "the ubiquitous matrix of lies". We conclude with a look at the neurological and cultural basis of the emergent matrix, and the ways in which the an ever more global, grassroots rethink is increasingly undercutting it. I pray this show will boost interest in the Kellogg Briand pact and so help move us away from war and towards an authentic global democratic consciousness. 75_
74_ #740 The Words and Deeds of the US Deep State - (Fletcher Prouty, JFK, Vietnam, The Secret Team, Snowden Affair, BBG, The Underground Reich) We expand on episode 739 with a 1993 recording of retired Airforce Colonel Fletcher Prouty speaking on his experience of the Bay of Pigs operation and on the Vietnam war. Prouty's testimony provides insights into how the early CIA covert operations were run and especially how they were coordinated with other branches of the US government. In our second hour Dave Emory examines evidence suggesting that the Edward Snowden Affair is a deep state operation, intended to corral hacktivists to use deep state-backdoored cryptographic software. #741 Solving 9-11 - Part 1 - (A detailed look by Chris Bollyn) This week Chris Bollyn starts reading Solving 9-11, his latest book on the topic, which gives us context by looking at Israel's long record of False Flag attacks. #742 Solving 9-11 - Part 2 - (A detailed look by Chris Bollyn) Chris Bollyn continues to read Solving 9-11, his latest book on the topic. He draws parallels with other events such as 7/7 and the sinking of the MS Estonia, both of which also had coincident terrorist drills that mirrored what actually happened. #743 Abandoning Wage Slavery - (And The Illusion of Social Power) We return to look more closely at a topic which has long been of central importance to the show - the corrupting influence of the modern money system. Specifically, what are the problems of telling people not that if they wish to eat, they must work, but that they must have a paid job. For inspiration we relisten to Ivan Illich from episode #523 in which he predicts an end to social power. In the first hour, Robin expands on what this might mean in the arena of money, using his insights from his 18 years in Bangladesh. In the second year, we hear an adaptation of a film about the global movement towards a universal income, followed up a longer section of the original Illich quote. #744 The Machine Stops - (Three Wise Men on The Implications of Human Stabulation) This episode is a successor show to episode 639, which examined the connections between technology and totalitarianism. Exceptionally, our title piece is an short story so old as to be no longer under copyright! As a counterpoint to this vintage sci-fi, two other interesting thinkers: a 1974 recording of Ivan Illich on the dangers of mechanising food production while a dependent population are stabulated (housed) in sterile concrete, followed by an introduction to the outrageous ideas of the psychonaut John C. Lilly in particular his dystopian vision of the Solid State Entity. #745 The Hall Of Mirrors - (John Taylor Gatto Special) John Taylor Gatto has contributed a lot to this show, perhaps more in terms of episodes than anyone else. Nevertheless, I'm giving another show over to him, since this speech, The Hall Of Mirrors, is such an excellent summary of the predicament of the United States of America - a nation which for generations has been attempting - not without success - to indoctrinate each new generation to greater heights of dependency upon the corporate system. This speech, from about 2009, really pulls it together, and gives a great historical perspective. #746 The Tyranny of The Enemy Images - 1 - (The Origins of the Phoenix Program) In our first hour this week, a detailed look at the Phoenix Program, a systematic effort to undermine social cohesion in South Vietnam, to increase support for the US-backed regime. The eventual failure of the program of mass torture and murder, as Douglas Valentine explains, hasn't stopped the CIA from refining and re-applying this model to 21st century USA. In our second hour, we consider the Phoenix program as a symptom of what Marshall Rosenberg refers to as 'enemy images'. #747 The Tyranny of Enemy Images - 2 - (The Fools' Choice Of Totalitarianism Or "Terrorism") This time, we continue the theme from episode 746, which highlighted how "enemy images" reduce people's ability to empathise and to make objective judgements, as opposed to a clear focus on observable reality. We look at a word which since 1979 has become the basis of innumerable laws, but which lacks a legal definition. Professor Reni Broulin describes the findings of his research into the multiple meanings of the word "terrorism", and Robin Upton declares that, like the "war on terror", he will only use such a loaded invoker of enemy images, if at all, inside double quotes. #748 The Tyranny of Enemy Images - 3 - (Pedophilia As A Tool Of The Deep State) Continuing our series on 'Enemy Images', we concentrate this time on another label used to promote fear and demonize people - the "pedo-phile" (literally "child lover"). We examine how this image may prove useful to the deep state for blackmail purposes, and reflect on the gradual exposure of pedophile rings populated by senior politicians, judges and those people whose integrity is crucial to the smooth running of modern society. Why do so many investigations appear to founder just before criminal charges are made? #749 On The Rise and Fall of US Corporatocracy - (Fascism, The Corruption of Democracy and The Family)  We examine the rise of fascism in the USA in the last century. Chris Hedges and Richard Wolff detail how US corporations conspired with the US deep state in an effort to destroy the family and liberal democratic government, even while championing "family values" and "democracy". We also hear about the 1934 US Business Plot, a failed fascist coup which FDR helped to cover up after reaching a compromise with the Wall St. plotters. 74_
73_ #730 The Life Blood of Empire - (Secrets of The Seven Sisters) This week, a look at the stuff of empire, that is, the resource of preeminent importance to understanding geopolitics in the 21st century - petroleum. We adapt a documentary on The Seven Sisters, supplemented with the research of Russ Baker. #731 The Global Oiligarchy - (Secrets of The Seven Sisters 2) This week, we conclude our adaption of The Seven Sisters and supplement it by the research of James Corbett on the influence of the US "Oiligarchs" over the rest of US society. As he notes, the US oil barons were effective in their takeover of other aspects of US society including the money, educational and food supply systems. #732 A Billion Here and A Billion There, Pretty Soon You're Talking Real Money - (Pete Brewton on The Enterprise's Savings & Loan Fraud) We look at a new topic on the show - one of the largest frauds committed in the USA in the 20th Century - and why it is that the looting of hundreds of billions of dollars has for the most part not only gone unpunished but uninvestigated. Our speaker is Pete Brewton, author of "The Mafia, The CIA and George Bush". #733 The Mena Connection - (Laundering Drug Profits and Shipping Guns to Nicaragua) Another episode which illuminates the murky doings of the deep state in the US; we hear the soundtrack from a 1995 film which gives an insider's eye view of "The Enterprise". Terry Reed was a CIA spook whose distaste for drug trafficking lead to him attempt to blow the whistle on what the corporate media - misleadingly - referred to as "Iran-Contra". After outlining the drugs for weapons operation that was run out of Mena, Arkansas - including how the money was laundered through the Arkansas bond market with the help of the Clintons' entourage - the show centers on how the Reeds took flight from a rogue US Justice system which had labeled them as "armed and dangerous" drug traffickers. #734 The Case of The Missing Inquest - (The Implausible Death of Dr. David Kelly) Did you know that Dr. David Kelly is perhaps unique among UK citizens in that his obviously unnatural death has never been the subject of an inquest? The "inquiry" tasked with investigating it did not take testimony under oath, left many questions not unanswered but u_nasked_ (such as why there where no fingerprints on the knife!) and was headed by a hand-picked appointee of war criminal Tony Blair. A solid introduction to the case by Norman Baker MP is followed by a range of other voices that helps explain why the UK government has chosen to sidestep the circumstances of Dr. Kelly's death. #735 Thinking Outside The Bucks - (The Authenticity of A Life Beyond Money) A more personal show than usual, which I hope will prove an appealing contrast to the crimes of the Deep State. We return to a familiar theme of this show, the importance of following our heart, of working for love not money. A range of speakers, some new, some old, combine to challenge our ideas of self, of what it means to be a human, and of what we might achieve if we align our heads and hearts. We conclude with the vision of Chris Larcombe, who realized during his Ph.D in epigenetics that he was more interested in creating a moneyless system of interaction which would allow people, en masse, to better coordinate and help realise one another's dreams. #736 Why 9/11 Is Still The Issue - (Understanding The Institutional Silence on 9/11) We begin with an excellent academic paper on the historical and legal matters surrounding 9/11. Amy Baker Benjamin asks why, given both any abundance of evidence, and ample historical precedent for the use of false flags to initiate wars, has the UN singularly failed to carry out any investigation into the US government's claims surrounding the events of Sep 11th? Any why does >99% of academic scholarship on the topic not tackle substantive issues such as who actually carried out 9/11 and on what grounds? In our second hour, we hear a recent interview with Chris Bollyn which connects more of the 9/11 dots, pointing the finger at Mossad. #737 The War On Obesity - (The Ongoing Global Poisoning) Two powerful and informative speakers with complementary perspectives on the declining health of the US population. First we hear Rebecca Anshell Song on Sexism and the Food and Diet Industry. She highlights the impossibility of the modern targets set for feminine beauty - and the consequences ranging from suicide and despair of affected women to the millions of cosmetic operations carried out in an effort to achieve physically impossible ideals of feminine beauty. Our main speaker is Professor Robert H. Lustig who observes that the "war on obesity", just like the war on drugs and the war on terrorism, is having counterproductive effects and in fact promoting obesity, as well as making large profits for corporations in the process. #738 Technowar in Vietnam - (Misadventures of The Market Model) This week we combine two successive episodes of the classic dissident cable show, Alternative Views. Professor William Gibson describes his 1987 book, which underscores the disastrous results which followed from the US military's enthusiastic embrace of capitalist market ideology, using now all too familiar methods to maximize the army's capacity to "produce" an enemy bodycount. Gibson's comments on the context and conduct of the Vietnam war are incisive and, sadly, still all relevant. #739 The Devil's Chessboard - (The BIS and David Talbot on Allen Dulles) Our main piece this week is an interview with David Talbot on his 2015 book, The Devil's Chessboard, which centers on the early CIA and especially the role of Allen Dulles. The observations made about Dulles correlate pretty closely with what is known about the Deep State in the USA. We conclude with Adam Lebor throwing light on another of history's dark corner's - the Basel based Bank For International Settlements. 73_
72_ #720 The Conspiracy Of Silence - (VIPaedophile, Blackmail and The Deep State) This week, we tackle a new topic on the show, which some have dubbed "VIPaedophile". We hear the sound tracks of a pair of investigative documentaries on organized child sexual abuse. First, "Spies, Lords and Predators" which looks at what it terms "the biggest political scandal Britain has ever faced". Next, we hear an interview with respected investigative film maker, Tim Tate, about the making of The Conspiracy Of Silence, his 1980s ground breaking expose of organized child sex abuse in USA. He tells how, after the film had been, produced, and the rough cut was approved by legal advisors, and even scheduled for broadcast, it was suddenly pulled, and has never aired in USA to this day. One or more of the witnesses who testified in the film were later found dead. After his interview about the film, we hear an adaption of the film itself, which is now available on the internet. #721 Analysing The Mind-numbering Orwellian Contradictions - (Israel, "Anti-semitism", Free Speech and False Flag Terror) Why was the "Je suis Charlie" celebration of free speech event followed by the biggest crackdown on free speech in French history? Kevin Barrett describes it as a "mind-numbering Orwellian contradiction, a lot like what happened after 9-11 when we were told that 'The reason they attacked us was they hate our freedoms' so let's destroy freedoms, let's shred the bill or rights, pass the Patriot Act and lock down the country." We consider the Israeli angle of Islamophobia induced by the "Moslem terrorist" meme promoted by the commercially-controlled media. #722 A Milieu of The European Deep State - (NATO and The Bilderberg) This is the most intense look we've taken at the Bilderberg group since episode 528. In the 5 years since that show was produced, Bilderberg has been much more under the media spotlight. We begin with Charlie Skelton comparing the experience of reporting on the G7 with reporting on the Bilderberg. Next we hear a 2007 summary of the Bilderberg group by Daniel Estulin and some concluding thoughts by Tony Gosling. #723 A US Deep State Event - (The Deep Implications of the 9-11 Money Trail) We continue our study of the deep state with a fresh look at what has emerged about the defining 21st century deep event, the attacks of September 11th. While that date inevitably invokes mental images of fireball and collapsing towers, we look instead at the financial implications. These range from Stratesec director Wirt Dexter Walker's $50,000 insider trade through a range of mid level fraud, up to the hundreds of billions of US Bonds which were due on that date and the trillions of dollars which have gone missing from the Pentagon budget. What does this complex pattern of innumerable financial frauds carried out on that day tell us about the interrelationships of the shadowy cabal of deep state insiders who pulled it off? And what about the technologies which may have been used on that day? #724 Calling a SCAD a SCAD - (State Crimes Against Democracy, Operation Gladio 1) This week we begin an audio adaption of the best film that will ever made on Operation Gladio, Allan Francovich's famous 1992 expose. To introduce it, a 90 minute talk from Lance deHaven-Smith on State Crimes Against Democracy (SCADs) - a term which he thinks we should start using as a prelude to prosecuting those responsible. #725 An Ongoing Deep State Clean Up - (Dennis Hastert, The 1996 COINTELPRO II Directive, Operation Gladio 2) We continue our adaption of Allan Francovich's film about Operation Gladio. However, the majority of this episode is a review of the 1996 New COINTELPRO operation, started under Clinton, which is currently being framed in the US commercial media as the "Denis Hastert case". We sew together 4 recent podcasts from Sibel Edmonds (the US' most classified woman) who has been blowing the whistle on this case for over a decade, and from whom insight is therefore to be expected as to what will happen with this case, and most interestingly, what the controlled media is not informing us about. #726 The Flight From Death - (The Central Importance of Death Anxiety, Operation Gladio 3) In our 15 year history, we have addressed a wide range of topics. It is a rare episode which tackles a new topic, an even rarer one in which we tackle a new topic with such direct relevance to so many earlier shows. Today's show fits that description, examining the theories of cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker, that fear of our own mortality is a topic of unparralleled importance - but one that humans psychology encourages us to shy away from rather than. For an example of the dangers of living without due scepticism of "immortality symbols" we conclude with part 3 of our ongoing adaption of Allan Francovich's film about Operation Gladio. #727 The Terrorism-Surveillance Complex - (Diane Roark, Gladio 4) This week,we begin with a talk from the most senior NSA whistleblower you're probably never heard of, Diane Roark, who doesn't mince her words about what the NSA are really spying on. As we hear, the deep state made reprisals against her but were unable to pin anything on her. We conclude the show with the final of our 4 part adaption of Allan Francovich's Operation Gladio. #728 Globalizing The Occupation - (Israel's Service to The Hegemon, Britain's Fusion Intelligence Complex) "You have to treat the public as potential terrorists - not as citizens", says Jeff Halper, describing the logic of the endgame of global capitalism, which he describes in his book as a "Global War Against The People". Pointing to its huge security-industrial-intelligence complex, he looks at Israel as a leader in this new economy. By exploiting the Palestinians as a resource, its research into methods of controlling a subject population has assisted in the development of weapons technologies such as drones and nanobots. In our second hour, we read a paper which looks at social structures and linguistic frames which are being rolled out to support hegemony worldwide by deliberately blurring the distinctions between violent terrorism and non-violent dissent. #729 The Dynamics of Deep State Capture - (The SEC, Bear Stearns, Gary Aguirre) This week, we examine the topic of regulatory capture in the US financial sector. We hear of some smoking guns which are hidden in plain sight - the blindingly obvious leads not properly investigated by the SEC, the FBI, the US Justice Department or any agency of the US government. Our main presentation is a 90 minute piece from lawyer and SEC whistleblower Gary Aguirre is introduced by an outline of the take down of Bear Stearns from - which although produced in 2009 has enduring relevance for anyone seeking to better understand the importance of the Deep State in the Financial 'Crisis'. 72_
71_ #710 Facing The Failing Culture Of Control - 3 - (The Simplicity of The Singapore Model) We have another program in our series on the failing culture of control. Last time we looked at the development of nuclear technology as a result of competition between nation states, this time we look instead at the 21st development of social technology to divide and conquer the world's population. Faced with the organized efforts to misdirect their altruistic impulses of the public at large by terrorizing them and implanting false beliefs, 3 speakers voice their iconoclastic and unwavering dissent. #711 Facing The Failing Culture Of Control - 4 - (The Sickening Development of Modern Medicine) We review the infamous Tuskeegee syphilis experiment and its even more murderous offshore equivalent, noting that the US government's apology to those affected did not stop it using "sovereign immunity" to block their class action lawsuit - since the deeds occurred outside of the USA. The lead attorney, Piper Hendricks shares her frustration. We conclude with an interview of Toni Bark, host of "Bought, The Movie" on regulatory capture by big pharma of CDC and the difficulty of assessment of the health risks of vaccines in light of the huge amounts of money involved. #712 Facing The Failing Culture Of Control - 5 - (Deep State Control Freakery You May Have Missed) Our series on the failure of control returns to Unwelcome Guests core topics - trying to make sense of deep events and the shady dealings of deep political insiders. Although we cover a wide range of malfeasance, all the material we cover relates more or less directly to various actions by the Deep State. We hear Sander Hicks on a range of Sep 11th related topics (many of them new to the show), followed by Russ Baker on the Boston Marathon Bombing. We conclude with a recent overview of the deep state from Peter Dale Scott and a short segment from commercially-controlled media noting that even 6 years after the event, no explanation has been forthcoming of the E4B that flew over the White House on the morning of 9/11. #713 The Deep State in Western Europe, 1972-1986 - (The Viscious Cercle Of Anti-Communist Terrorism) This week, a range of materials from scholarly articles to YouTube videos sheds some light on the murky world of post-WW2 deep political intrigue in Europe. The NATO run Operation Gladio is our point of departure, but False Flag terrorism is just the most dramatic of many forms of psychological warfare. In our second hour we look at an even now relatively little known group called "Le Cercle" which appears to have been actively engaged in similarly Machiavellian political manipulation carried out in many of the self-styled "democracies" of Western Europe. #714 Sowing Dragon's Teeth From the Cold War to The JCIT - (The Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism) Unnoticed and unreported at the time, the July 1979 Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism was a seminal event in the history of the "War on Terror". Organised by Benjamin Netanyahu, speakers included George H. W. Bush, Brian Crozier and some of his friends from Le Cercle, academics and deep state actors met to discuss and spin the yarn of the "global war on terror". We begin with a speech on the USA's sponsorship and conscious radicalization of terrorist groups by Nafeez Ahmed and read the first half of an article (also from 2006) by Brian Bogart, entitled Sins of Statecraft: The War on Terror Exposed. #715 The Deep Roots of Dragon's Teeth - (Blowing The Whistle on Whistleblower Protection) This week we emphasize the structural roots of the current spate of False Flag terrorism - the unaccountable power of the supranational Deep State. Public 'checks and balances' to stop 'bad apples' will never tackle the problem of a barrel that is itself rotten; laws passed by states seek to hide, not to expose the hidden and therefore unaccountable nexus of self-interest that is the deep state. In our first hour, a debunking of "whistleblower protection". In our second, we continue reading Brian Bogart's, Sins of Statecraft: The War on Terror Exposed. A 20 minute time out to hear from J. Michael Springmann, formerly head of the visa issuing section in the US consulate in Jeddah, who was unceremoniously dismissed after attempting to blow the whistle on the irregular visa issuing practices. #716 The Dark Heart of The Vast Machine - (Secret Society, Secret Justice and The War of Terror) This episode is a thoughtful exploration of the reality of UK democracy, and is liberally seasoned by Robin Upton musing on the Deep State. We begin with Secret Society - a BBC expose of the political process that was made in the 1980s but after being "leaned on" was never broadcast. Next Secret Justice, an essay on the fundamental unaccountability of MI5, claims to the contrary notwithstanding. We conclude our reading of Brian Bogart's Sins of Statecraft: The War on Terror Exposed. #717 One video, Posted On Youtube - (Iran-Contra, Drugs and more Drugs) Wikipedia, that guardian of the WWW official narrative, does not admit that drug trafficking played a part in the bu$ine$$ of Iran-Contra. In our first hour, first hand testimony of flying plane loads of cocaine into USA during that period. We hear how this was connected in a young man's mind to arms dealing, money laundering and his patriotic duty to fight communism - and what transpired after he told his handlers that he wanted out, to live a quiet life in Europe. In our second hour, a vintage episode of Radio Free America centers on the assassination of Barry Seal and its relationship to Iran Contra, revealing that even while 'investigations' were ongoing to cover it up, some commentators had grasped the relevance of the drug smuggling angle. #718 The Increasing Shallowness of The Deep State - (From Libya to Oklahoma, Bombs and more Bombs) This week, material from 15 years back through to 5 days back detail continued deep state malfeasance hidden in plain sight. Did you hear the story of the CIA "bad apple" who sold a planeload of military grade C4 explosive to Libya, together with a course in bombmaking by US Green Berets? Or how the CIA's Inspector General perjured himself to try and cover it up... only to be later granted immunity when the truth emerged? Don't try this at home! Our main piece is James Corbett's review of what has emerged in the last 20 years about the Oklahoma City bombing. We conclude with an open letter by Nafeez Ahmed to "Britain's leading violent extremist" - David Cameron. Why does he ignore the leading researchers (including many in his own government) and surround himself instead with deceitful terror "experts" who have spookily close connections to the arms industry and the deep state? I wonder... #719 The Processes and Logic of The Deep State - (The American Deep State by Peter Dale Scott) Unusually, just a single speaker this week: one two hour interview with the doyen of deep political research, Canadian Professor Peter Dale Scott. He provides not only a lot of details of the evolution of the post WW2 deep state in the USA, but also sketches out its guiding principles, some of the deeper patterns which allow one to understand the superficially confusing and contradictory actions of the US deep state. 71_
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