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#208#209#210#211 Episode #212 - Conspiracy Reality
(Understanding the Tools Used to Perpetuate Lies)



Sun 18 July 2004  Seymour Hersh, Jamey Hecht, Bill Douglas
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2George Bush's Rape rooms, beyond labels that block inquiry, how to get beyond the media blockade on challenges to the "official story".
We start with Seymour Hersh's articles in The New Yorker that reveal torture and sexual assaults upon Iraqis held prisoner by the US Military. In this talk, given at the national convention of the American Civil Liberties Union in San Francisco on 2004-07-07, he tells us that the US is now operating rape rooms in Iraq, and that he has seen and heard videotape documenting this. Then, material from Phase 2 of the International Grassroots Inquiry into the Unanswered Questions of 9/11 - with Jamey Hecht deconstructing how the term "conspiracy theory" is used to deflect examination of the routine violence that the State uses to maintain power, and Bill Douglas of the 9/11 Visibility Project talks about organizing to break the media blockade on challenges to the 9/11 official story.
Thanks to Mike Thornton, Hummux, Snowshoe Films and
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