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#88#89#90#91 Episode #92 - Dimming The Lamp
(Anti-Immigrant Legislation in the US and Canada)



Tue 19 February 2002  Albert Mokhiber, Gary Okihiro, Carol Gluck
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2Recent legislation under the rubric of anti-terrorism has codified into law the undercurrent of xenophobia in American and Canadian society. These laws direct their harshest provisions toward the human rights of non-citizens, but ultimately cast a shadow on the liberty of all of us.
This week we hear a 2 hour forum from the US Japan society on Racial Tolerance in Times of Crisis. on the experience of Japanese Americans in WW2, and the lessons this holds for US in the 21st century.

Albert Mokhiber speaks on the stereotypes of Arab Americans, and remarks on post 9/11 hatecrimes in USA.

Gary Okihiro then speaks on the internment of Japanese Americans in WW2. Carol Gluck also speaks on the relevance for modern USA. In the second hour, we hear a question and answer session.
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