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#52#53#54#55 Episode #56 - Guns and Briefcases - The Unholy Alliance
(Resisting Water Privatization in Bolivia and SOA)


Resisting Cochabamba Privatisation

Sat 31 March 2001  Gabriel Herbas, Roy Bourgeois, Oren Lyons, Victoria Corpuz
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2In the first hour, people resisting water privatization in Bolivia, the fight to close a US military School for Assassins and indigenous people's worldwide resistance to globalization. We will be presenting a recent speech by Haudenosaunee Chief Oren Lyons in the second hour of the program.

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