[hide]Feedback on episode 715 -- V. Arnold (talk) 23:02, 17 June 2015 (PDT)
I'd have sworn I listened to this yesterday, the 17th (June). It's 13:00 on the 18th here in Asia. I was going to give it another listen; I enjoy your pod-casts very much. In any event, please go forward with #715; we/I need as much factual data as possible. That the U.S. maintains its fantasy of freedom and democracy is just ludicrous. At some future point you might well consider a factual look into the propaganda war against Russia, China, Central and South America. Cheers, V.Arnold
Re: Feedback on episode 715 -- Robin (talk) 09:59, 18 June 2015 (PDT)
- Have you got any recommended sources? I'm always glad to have more pointers to suitable material. Robin (talk) 09:59, 18 June 2015 (PDT)
Re: Re: Feedback on episode 715 -- V. Arnold (talk) 22:17, 18 June 2015 (PDT)
- Hi Robin, yes, I'll compile a list and post it here later today. Cheers
- Hi Robin, after the fourth "what is the title of episode blah, blah, blah, I gave up.
Do you have an e-mail link I can mail you my reply? Yes, there is a lot of C&P; what else, they're links to sources? Let me know, Cheers, V. Arnold
ELSTAT(Greek Statistics) whistleblowers rebuffed by professional organization International Statistics Institute -- Thrasymachus (talk) 18:44, 4 July 2015 (PDT)
Lately since I am Greek, I have been following a non-commercial Greek podcast series Dialogos Media( ). It is too apt what this podcast says about professional organizations often closing ranks against whistleblowers, because that is the also case with the ELSTAT whiteblowers Zoe Georganta and Nikos Logothetis who blew the whistle on the illegal upward revision of the Greek debt in 2009 that invited Troika supervision and austerity.
Here you can find an audio interview of their whistleblowing:
- Greek:
- English:
- Greek:
- English:
Here is where the professional the International Statistical Institute, a professional body makes a public statement against their "allegations" for the corrupt, political head of ELSTAT Andreas Georgiou:
Why? The response of Georganta and Logthetis:
"We hope you understand that we could not conceal the fact that your Vice-President at ISI and the EUROSTAT Permanent Resident Representative at ELSTAT for at least the last 18 months are one and the same person, Mr. Hallgrímur Snorrason. Thus, one does not need more indications to realize who gave you misleading information about the events that took place in ELSTAT during the past 18 months."
Re: ELSTAT(Greek Statistics) whistleblowers rebuffed by professional organization International Statistics Institute -- Robin (talk) 06:41, 7 September 2015 (PDT)
- I just listened to the podcasts. They are both significant whistleblowers with important stories to tell. Sadly both have a strong accent which puts me off including them in the show - not least because they are both long interviews rather than summaries. I'd consider broadcasting either another involved party with an English accent that was easier on the ear, or else native speaker familiar with the topic who is giving a summary of their content.