From UnwelcomeGuests
Most audio on the web is MP3 files at addresses which begin http://. This should present no problem. Just use right-click, 'Save As'...
A handy site for ripping audio from YouTube videos:
Unusual Protocols - rtsp:// , mms://
You'll have to have installed win32codecs ("sudo apt-get install win32codecs"):
mplayer -dumpaudio -dumpfile ripped-file.rm rtsp://,554,7070
This will discard the video stream. If you want that, use 'dumpstream' instead
File Formats
To convert from video to MP3:
ffmpeg -i input-file.mp4 -vn -o output-file.mp3
ffmpeg has a lot of options, including:
- -ab <bitrate> Set the bitrate (default=64k)
- -ac <#channels> Set how many channels (default=1, mono)
- -ar <freq> Set sampling frequency (default=44100Hz)
- -vn Discard the video