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⇦ | Episode #654 - State Crimes Against Democracy (The Secret Government's War Of Terror) |
⌚ Sat 25 May 2013 ☻Lance deHaven-Smith, Paul Craig Roberts |
Download Hour1 Download Hour2Most of the show is an interview with Lance deHaven-Smith, author of "Conspiracy Theory In America", who coined the term "State Crime Against Democracy" (SCAD) as a modern replacement of what used to be called a "high crime". Both speakers share an exasperation of the apparent credulousness of most of the US public, noting that November 22nd will mark a half century of emerging evidence about John F Kennedy's assassination, which the US government continues to maintain was the work of a 'lone nut'. |
Thanks to Black Ops Radio for the Lance deHaven-Smith interview and 9-11 Wake-Up Call for the Paul Craig Roberts interview
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