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#154#155#156#157 Episode #158 - Leverage
(Corporations and Social Policy)



Sat 15 March 2003  Thom Hartmann, Smithy
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2The history of the rise of corporate influence with Thom Hartmann and The Wizards of Money on how oil companies block solutions to climate change.
In the first hour, author and legal scholar Thom Hartmann talks about the history of the corporation as a legal entity, and how the government and the legal system have fostered the growth of corporate power. This power has in turn, has enabled corporate owners and leaders to determine government policy. Hartman lays out a plan to break this cycle of corporate control in order to make a more truly democratic society possible. In hour second hour Smithy from the The Wizards of Money describes the role of the oil industry in blocking solutions to climate change, and the response to this battle by another powerful corporate sector, the insurance industry.
Thanks to Wizards of Money
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