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#58#59#60#61 Episode #62 - Working Stiffs: From the Docks to the Farm
(Organizing Resistance)


The Charleston Five

Sat 12 May 2001  Various
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we look at labour in US:- Farmworkers in New York State, The Charleston Five, Harvard Living Wage Campaign
This week, we focus on migrant farm labour. In our first hour, we hear about H2A, the conditions under which if employers can find evidence of a lack of suitably qualified US labourers, then use of migrant labour is allowed on US farms. Farm owners allegedly like the more docile nature of H2A workers, whose legal status in uncertain. The promise of improved conditions and wages goes unfulfilled. We hear reports on farmworkers organizing in New York State. In our second hour, we move from the farm to the dock, and hear of oppression of dockworkers, including the circumstances surrounding the arrest and trial of The Charleston Five - and its political dimension. We conclude with a rally followed by the living wage campaign at Harvard University.
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