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#57#58#59#60 Episode #61 - GM Conference Report
(Anarchism and Destruction of Family Farms)



Sat 5 May 2001  Teresa Cassia, Jennifer Daniels, Lou Johns, Anne-Marie Mayer, Frieda Jock, Howard Erlich, Helen Fotopulos(?), James, Jaggi Singh
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we conclude our series on anarchism, by focussing on anarchist discussions on the good society. First, we bring you an important press conference from last Thursday on a new report by NYPIRG (New York Public Interest Research Group) revealing the extent to which experimental genetically modified crops have been foisted upon an unwitting populace. The speakers at the conference addressed the impacts on health, science and the ecosystem, as well as the destruction of the family farms that make up New York State's thriving organic farming industry.
In our first hour, we hear a report from NYPIRG on the health risks of GM food. In our second hour, we conclude our series on anarchist thought. We hear from Howard Erlich speaking in 2000 at the Boston Anarchist Bookfair speaking on the Anarchist version of a good society. We conclude with the introductory remarks of the 3 facilitators to the a workshop on anti-racism in Montreal last month.
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