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#446#447#448#449 Episode #450 - Hellhole or Paradise, Who Will Decide?
(Community Rights and the Health Effects of Gas Drilling)



Sun 15 February 2009  Theo Colborn, Jack Ossont
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we listen to two experts on the health effects of gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing, advising communities on the use of rights based organizing to save the places they love from corporate predation.
On February 11, a community forum on gas drilling was held at the town hall in Spencer, NY sponsored by the citizens' energy alliance and It featured Theo Colborn, an expert on the health effects of gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing, and [Jack Ossont]] of Democracy New York, on actions communities can take to save the places they love from corporate predation by using rights based organizing. Dr. Colburn's narrated while using a powerpoint presentation to show what gas drilling has done to her part of Colorado was screened for the attendees at the Town Hall. What I can't show you on radio is how hideous these installations are, they look like chemical plants on the outskirts of an industrial wasteland with tanks, pipes, pits and heavy equipment. They want put thousands of these things here - it is the worst kind of terrorism.
Thanks so much to Autumn and Ezra.
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