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Revision as of 02:07, 29 June 2010 by (Talk)
This is for people interested in seeing what's likely to be coming next, or (even better) interested to help.
[hide]Being Worked On
Left Hand of God
The title is from Michael Lerner, who describes how the religious right has recreated God in their own image as a powerful dominator, but how they address a gap in people's lives, the loneliness and social disconnection of pretending to be homo economicus all day.
- People's social isolation
- How the market assumption
- Cheapening of Friendship
- Ivan Illich on the commitment of friendship
The Emerging Gift Economy
How people are responding to the poison of money
- Interview about doing RRFMs in 1992, 25 min
- Mali's Gift Economy video (from YouTube)
- Robin Upton's Internet Gift Economy, 35 min
Reconceiving Money
Alternative Ideas of Money
- Competition in Western Society Alfie Kohn 27 min
- Beyond Money 42 min
- Interview with Larry Mason 22 min
- Invisible Hand, chapter 1 42 min
BIG Money
Drug cartels
- Peter Dale Scott
- Drug money keeping banks solvent
- Linda Napoleoni
Booms & Busts
Why money needs exponential growth, why there is never enough
- G. Edward Griffin (duck dinner mechanism) - reality of money (6 hours, MP3)
- Money as Debt
- The Money Masters
Seismic Shifts in Consciousness
How the world could get much better very quickly
- Corbett Report on how the G20 demo changed
- How a shock to the system gets people out of earlier patterns
- ???
References in Literature
A less academicky flavour show than usual. Assemble a collection of references/metaphors in popular culture to describe what is going on.
- [Would be nice to have some academicky content to give food for thought]
- Douglas Adams, HHGG - The party that had no end (link to dumbing down, celebrity culture, peak oil)
- ?...