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#60#61#62#63 Episode #64 - Fight to Win! OCAP takes on the Provincial Government of Ontario
(This is what democracy sounds like!)



Sat 26 May 2001  Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP)
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we focus on the ideas, analysis and the response of the Canadian authorities to OCAP, The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty.
There is ample freedom and democracy available in society for those with money. Those with money may hire lawyers to press their causes. Those with money may purchase media outlets through which their views are disseminated. Those with money may donate lavishly to get candidates elected who will serve their interests.

When those without money use the means at their disposal to gain redress, they are commonly met with police and prison and in an ominous development, are being labelled as "terrorist" groups as soon as they mount significant resistance to the status quo.

One group that is "fighting to win" is the The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, OCAP. Yet OCAP hasn't beaten, gassed or shot anyone. Instead, the are mobilizing a broadening constituency throughout the province of Ontario with the goal of bringing down the regime of premier Mike Harris.
Thanks to OCAP at
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