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This is for people interested in seeing what's likely to be coming next, or (even better) interested to help.

Being Worked On


Left Hand of God

The title is from Michael Lerner, who describes how the religious right has recreated God in their own image as a powerful dominator, but how they address a gap in people's lives, the loneliness and social disconnection of pretending to be homo economicus all day.

  • People's social isolation
  • How the market assumption
  • Cheapening of Friendship
  • Ivan Illich on the commitment of friendship

Reconceiving Money

Alternative Ideas of Money

BIG Money

Booms & Busts

Why money needs exponential growth, why there is never enough

  • G. Edward Griffin (duck dinner mechanism) - reality of money (6 hours, MP3)
  • Money as Debt
  • The Money Masters

Seismic Shifts in Consciousness

How the world could get much better very quickly

  • Corbett Report on how the G20 demo changed
  • How a shock to the system gets people out of earlier patterns
  •  ???

References in Literature

A less academicky flavour show than usual. Assemble a collection of references/metaphors in popular culture to describe what is going on.

  • [Would be nice to have some academicky content to give food for thought]
  • Douglas Adams, HHGG - The party that had no end (link to dumbing down, celebrity culture, peak oil)
  •  ?...

See Also