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|title=The Power of Stories
|title=The Power of Stories
|subtitle=9/11, Genocide and the Age of Reunion
|subtitle=9/11, Genocide and Ascent of Humanity #20
|summary=Questionning the stories which underlie common reality, such as that surrounding September 11<sup>th</sup>
|summary=Questionning the stories which underlie common reality, such as that surrounding September 11<sup>th</sup>
|contributors=[[Charles Eisenstein ]] (reading), [[Michael Wolsey]], [[Sibel Edmonds]]
|contributors=[[Charles Eisenstein]] (reading), [[Michael Wolsey]], [[Sibel Edmonds]]
|credits=Thanks to visibility 911, Brad Friedman of []
|credits=Thanks to visibility 911, Brad Friedman of []
|description=This week in our continuing reading from the ascent of humanity by Charles Eisenstein, he will address the power that the stories we tell have over us. He is speaking quite literally and this sounds strange because we are all raised on sayings like sticks and stones .... Language however is the seminal human technology that had made all the rest of what we call civilization possible. The reading will set the stage for some other material that graphically demonstrates the way that stories set battlefields in the struggle for power. Nothing demonstrates this so clearly as the question of the story of the events of [[:category:2001-09-11 |September 11<sup>th</sup>, 2001]]. As is obvious when we think about it, the story of the purpose of the attacks of that day and who perpetrated them has had life changing consequences on the whole world.
|description=This week in our continuing reading from the ascent of humanity by Charles Eisenstein, he will address the power that the stories we tell have over us. He is speaking quite literally and this sounds strange because we are all raised on sayings like sticks and stones .... Language however is the seminal human technology that had made all the rest of what we call civilization possible. The reading will set the stage for some other material that graphically demonstrates the way that stories set battlefields in the struggle for power. Nothing demonstrates this so clearly as the question of the story of the events of [[:category:2001-09-11 |September 11<sup>th</sup>, 2001]]. As is obvious when we think about it, the story of the purpose of the attacks of that day and who perpetrated them has had life changing consequences on the whole world.
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Revision as of 23:20, 10 September 2010

#476#477#478#479 Episode #480 - The Power of Stories
(9/11, Genocide and Ascent of Humanity #20)



Mon 14 September 2009  Charles Eisenstein (reading), Michael Wolsey, Sibel Edmonds
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2Questionning the stories which underlie common reality, such as that surrounding September 11th
This week in our continuing reading from the ascent of humanity by Charles Eisenstein, he will address the power that the stories we tell have over us. He is speaking quite literally and this sounds strange because we are all raised on sayings like sticks and stones .... Language however is the seminal human technology that had made all the rest of what we call civilization possible. The reading will set the stage for some other material that graphically demonstrates the way that stories set battlefields in the struggle for power. Nothing demonstrates this so clearly as the question of the story of the events of September 11th, 2001. As is obvious when we think about it, the story of the purpose of the attacks of that day and who perpetrated them has had life changing consequences on the whole world.
Thanks to visibility 911, Brad Friedman of
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