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''''Show #'''[{{{url}}} '''{{{number}}} - {{{title}}}''' ({{{subtitle}}})]
Unwelcome Guests '''Template:Episode''' page:<br/>
| Speakers
''This template manages the layout of an episode.<br/>
| {{{people}}}
This refers to [[Template:EpisodeHeader]] and [[Template:EpisodeFooter]].''
''<font color="red">The main thing to be careful of when editing show source files is not to mess up the curly brackets '{' and '}'.</font>''<br/>
''The different sections of the template begin with a '|' character. i.e.''
<br/><font face="courier">|number=</font face="courier">For episodes, which episode number (will be blank for plans)
<br/><font face="courier">|date=</font face="courier">When this episode was released (or when the plan was posted)
<br/><font face="courier">|title=</font face="courier">Short, catchy description
<br/><font face="courier">|subtitle=</font face="courier">Expansion on/explanation of the description
<br/><font face="courier">|image=</font face="courier">A unique name of the image for this episode
<br/><font face="courier">|summary=</font face="courier">About 5 lines of text to give an overview of this episode
<br/><font face="courier">|description=</font face="courier">More text to tell in detail what this episode contains, which points it makes, etc.
<br/><font face="courier">|credits=</font face="courier">A line of thanks to anyone other than the contributors who have helped make this episode possible
<br/><font face="courier">|content=</font face="courier"> A list of content items, as <nowiki>{{mp3}}, {{mp4}}, {{pdf}} or {{ppt}} templates</nowiki>
<br/><font face="courier">|contributors=</font face="courier"> A list of names of speakers on this show, as internal links
<br/><font face="courier">|c1=</font face="courier"> Contributor#1
<br/><font face="courier">|d1=</font face="courier"> Details of contributor#1
<br/><font face="courier">|c2=</font face="courier"> Contributor#2
<br/><font face="courier">|d2=</font face="courier"> Details of contributor#2 ...
<br/>''The less common sections are:''
<br/><font face="courier">|choice=</font face="courier">Set =1 if this episode features in [[Editor's Choice]]
<br/><font face="courier">|image_caption=</font face="courier">Possible text to appear under the image
<br/><font face="courier">|music=</font face="courier">A list of names, as internal links (this will be blank if the episode has no music content)
<br/><font face="courier">|similar=</font face="courier">Links to other related shows
<br/><font face="courier">|note=</font face="courier">Anything else (usually this will be blank)
<br/><font face="courier">|dedication=</font face="courier">Optional dedication (usually this will be blank)
<br/><font face="courier">|topnote=</font face="courier">Optional special note - displayed at the top (usually this will be blank)
<br/><font face="courier">|rebroadcast=</font face="courier">A number of an earlier episode if it contains a significant part of it (usually this will be blank)
<br/><font face="courier">|prebroadcast=</font face="courier">A number of an later episode that repeats a significant part of it (usually this will be blank)
<br/><font face="courier">|stub=</font face="courier">Set = 1 to indicate that this is a [[:category:stubs| page stub]].
''Episode plans will have the following extra sections:''
<br/><font face="courier">|possible_content=</font face="courier"> A list of suggested content items
<br/><font face="courier">|possible_contributors=</font face="courier"> A list of names of suggested speakers on this episode, as internal links
<br/><font face="courier">|possible_music=</font face="courier"> A list of names of suggested music contributors, as internal links
<includeonly>{{{topnote|}}}<br/>{{#if: {{{number}}} |<!--
ACTUAL NUMBERED EPISODE, Link to the previous show for all numbers greater than 1. 
}} | [[category:Studio]] {{StudioEpisodeHeader
}} }}<br/>
<table style="border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #873200; padding: 0; color:#{{{textcolor}}};" cellpadding="1"><tr><td style="background-color:#cc6622; border-style: solid; border-width: 0 0 1px 0">{{#if: {{{choice|}}}|[[image:star.jpg|link=Editor's Choice|alt=This is a choice episode]]|}} {{#if: {{{date|}}} |'''<big>⌚</big> {{#time: D j F Y | {{{date}}}}}''' | <font color="red">Missing 'date'</font/> }}&nbsp;[[:Category:Speaker | <big>☻</big>]]{{#if: {{{c1|}}}|'''{{ShowContributors|{{{c1|}}}|{{{d1|}}}|{{{c2|}}}|{{{d2|}}}|{{{c3|}}}|{{{d3|}}}|{{{c4|}}}|{{{d4|}}}|{{{c5|}}}|{{{d5|}}}|{{{c6|}}}|{{{d6|}}}|{{{c7|}}}|{{{d7|}}}|{{{c8|}}}|{{{d8|}}}|{{{c9|}}}|{{{d9|}}}|{{{c10|}}}|{{{d10|}}}|{{{c11|}}}|{{{d11|}}}|{{{c12|}}}|{{{d12|}}}|{{{c13|}}}|{{{d13|}}}|{{{c14|}}}|{{{d14|}}}|{{{c15|}}}|{{{d15|}}}|{{{c16|}}}|{{{d16|}}}|{{{c17|}}}|{{{d17|}}}|{{{c18|}}}|{{{d18|}}}|{{{c19|}}}|{{{d19|}}}|{{{c20|}}}|{{{d20|}}}|{{{c21|}}}|{{{d21|}}}|{{{c22|}}}|{{{d22|}}}|{{{c23|}}}|{{{d23|}}}|{{{c24|}}}|{{{d24|}}}|{{{c25|}}}|{{{d25|}}}|{{{c26|}}}|{{{d26|}}}|{{{c27|}}}|{{{d27|}}}|{{{c28|}}}|{{{d28|}}}|{{{c29|}}}|{{{d29|}}}|{{{c30|}}}|{{{d30|}}}|{{{c31|}}}|{{{d31|}}}|{{{c32|}}}|{{{d32|}}}|{{{c33|}}}|{{{d33|}}}|{{{c34|}}}|{{{d34|}}}|{{{c35|}}}|{{{d35|}}}|{{{c36|}}}|{{{d36|}}}|{{{c37|}}}|{{{d37|}}}|{{{c38|}}}|{{{d38|}}}|{{{c39|}}}|{{{d39|}}}|{{{c40|}}}|{{{d40|}}}|{{{c41|}}}|{{{d41|}}}|{{{c42|}}}|{{{d42|}}}|{{{c43|}}}|{{{d43|}}}|{{{c44|}}}|{{{d44|}}}|{{{c45|}}}|{{{d45|}}}|{{{c46|}}}|{{{d46|}}}|{{{c47|}}}|{{{d47|}}}|{{{c48|}}}|{{{d48|}}}|{{{c49|}}}|{{{d49|}}}|{{{c50|}}}|{{{d50}}}}}'''|'''{{{contributors|}}}'''|}}{{#if: {{{possible_contributors|}}} | <br/> <font color="black">[[:Category:Speaker | <big>☺</big>?]] {{{possible_contributors|}}} </font> |}}</td></tr><tr><td style="padding:12px; background-color:#ffffcc;">{{#if: {{{number|}}} | {{#if: {{{custom|}}}|{{{custom|}}}|<mp3>{{{number}}}</mp3><br /> <small>[{{{number}}}-hour1mix.mp3 Download Hour1]  [{{{number}}}-hour2mix.mp3 Download Hour2]</small>}}}}<!--  
Custom content here
-->{{#if: {{{summary|}}} | ''{{{summary|}}}'' | <font color="red">Missing 'summary'</font/>}}</td></tr></table>{{#if: {{{description|}}} | {{{description|}}} |}}{{#if: {{{music|}}} | <br />[[category:music]]''<font color="#88cc55">Music: {{{music|}}}''</font> |}}{{#if: {{{credits|}}} | <br />''<font color="#888800">{{{credits|}}}''</font>|}}{{#if: {{{note|}}} | <br />''<font color="#cc5588">{{{note|}}}''</font> |}}{{#if: {{{dedication|}}} | <br />''<font color="#220022">{{{dedication|}}}''</font> |}}{{#if:{{{rebroadcast|}}} | <br />''<font color="#cc8855">This episode rebroadcasts content from {{{rebroadcast|}}}.''</font> |}}{{#if: {{{prebroadcast|}}} | <br />''<font color="#cc8855">Some of this episode's content is repeated in episode {{{prebroadcast|}}}.''</font> |}}{{#if: {{{similar|}}} | <br />''<font color="#8855cc">{{{similar}}}.''</font>|}}{{DiscussInvite}}{{#if: {{{content|}}} | {{#if: {{{possible_content|}}} |''<br/>Content:''|}}{{EpisodeContentTable| number={{{number|}}} |content={{{content}}} | textcolor=000}} |}}{{#if: {{{possible_content|}}} | {{#if: {{{content|}}} || <br/>}} <font color="#888888">''Possible Content:</font> {{ContentTable| content={{{possible_content}}} | textcolor=cd6521}} |}}{{#if: {{{possible_music|}}} | <br />''Possible Music: {{{possible_music|}}}'' |}}{{#if: {{{number|}}} | {{EpisodeFooter|number={{{number}}}|date={{{date}}} }}}} {{#ifexpr: (0{{{number}}}>1) ||}}{{#if: {{{stub|}}} | [[category:stubs]]|}}</includeonly>

Latest revision as of 04:39, 21 October 2019

Unwelcome Guests Template:Episode page:

This template manages the layout of an episode.
This refers to Template:EpisodeHeader and Template:EpisodeFooter.

The main thing to be careful of when editing show source files is not to mess up the curly brackets '{' and '}'.

The different sections of the template begin with a '|' character. i.e.
|number=For episodes, which episode number (will be blank for plans)
|date=When this episode was released (or when the plan was posted)
|title=Short, catchy description
|subtitle=Expansion on/explanation of the description
|image=A unique name of the image for this episode
|summary=About 5 lines of text to give an overview of this episode
|description=More text to tell in detail what this episode contains, which points it makes, etc.
|credits=A line of thanks to anyone other than the contributors who have helped make this episode possible
|content= A list of content items, as {{mp3}}, {{mp4}}, {{pdf}} or {{ppt}} templates
|contributors= A list of names of speakers on this show, as internal links
|c1= Contributor#1
|d1= Details of contributor#1
|c2= Contributor#2
|d2= Details of contributor#2 ...

The less common sections are:
|choice=Set =1 if this episode features in Editor's Choice
|image_caption=Possible text to appear under the image
|music=A list of names, as internal links (this will be blank if the episode has no music content)
|similar=Links to other related shows
|note=Anything else (usually this will be blank)
|dedication=Optional dedication (usually this will be blank)
|topnote=Optional special note - displayed at the top (usually this will be blank)
|rebroadcast=A number of an earlier episode if it contains a significant part of it (usually this will be blank)
|prebroadcast=A number of an later episode that repeats a significant part of it (usually this will be blank)
|stub=Set = 1 to indicate that this is a page stub.

Episode plans will have the following extra sections:
|possible_content= A list of suggested content items
|possible_contributors= A list of names of suggested speakers on this episode, as internal links
|possible_music= A list of names of suggested music contributors, as internal links