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{{coverstrip |number=549 |title=Human Casualties of The Chemical Civil War |subtitle=Homo Toxicus, Poison Fire and Pre-natal Exposure to Toxics|backcolor=#cc6622|fontcolor=white }}
{{coverstrip |number=550 |title=Between The Lies about Libya |subtitle=Vijay Prasad and Ellen Brown|backcolor=#cc6622|fontcolor=white }}
{{coverstrip |number=549 |title=Human Casualties of The Chemical Civil War |subtitle=Homo Toxicus, Poison Fire and Pre-natal Exposure to Toxics }}
{{coverstrip |number=548 |title=What You Don't Know Can Kill You |subtitle=Dirty Secrets of The Nuclear Safety Sideshow }}
{{coverstrip |number=548 |title=What You Don't Know Can Kill You |subtitle=Dirty Secrets of The Nuclear Safety Sideshow }}
{{coverstrip |number=547 |title=Outing Prison (2) |subtitle=FASD and What is Prison For Anyway? }}
{{coverstrip |number=547 |title=Outing Prison (2) |subtitle=FASD and What is Prison For Anyway?|last=1 }}
{{coverstrip |number=546 |title=How The Environmental Movement Died of Success |subtitle=And What To Do About It|last=1 }}
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| {{thumbnail |number=550 |title=Between The Lies about Libya |subtitle=Vijay Prasad and Ellen Brown}}
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| {{thumbnail |number=547 |title=Outing Prison (2) |subtitle=FASD and What is Prison For Anyway?}}
| {{thumbnail |number=547 |title=Outing Prison (2) |subtitle=FASD and What is Prison For Anyway?}}
| {{thumbnail |number=548 |title=What You Don't Know Can Kill You |subtitle=Dirty Secrets of The Nuclear Safety Sideshow}}
| {{thumbnail |number=548 |title=What You Don't Know Can Kill You |subtitle=Dirty Secrets of The Nuclear Safety Sideshow}}
| {{thumbnail |number=549 |title=Human Casualties of The Chemical Civil War |subtitle=Homo Toxicus, Poison Fire and Pre-natal Exposure to Toxics}}
| {{thumbnail |number=549 |title=Human Casualties of The Chemical Civil War |subtitle=Homo Toxicus, Poison Fire and Pre-natal Exposure to Toxics}}
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| {{thumbnail |number=519 |title=The War on Sex |subtitle=Beneath 'Child Protection' to The Deeper Roots of Hierarchy and Separation}}
| {{thumbnail |number=519 |title=The War on Sex |subtitle=Beneath 'Child Protection' to The Deeper Roots of Hierarchy and Separation}}
|style="background: #cc6622;" | '''51_'''
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| {{thumbnail |number=500 |title=Some Insidious Menace |subtitle=Defying Corporate Rule}}
| {{thumbnail |number=501 |title=Reprise for Howard |subtitle=Rebroadcast of Howard Zinn speech from Nov. 2008}}
| {{thumbnail |number=502 |title=Is Employment Compatible with a Free Society? |subtitle=Rebroadcast}}
| {{thumbnail |number=503 |title=Utopia By Necessity |subtitle=Rebroadcast}}
| {{thumbnail |number=504 |title=Just Cause, Just Laws &amp; Just Wars |subtitle=On The Desperate Edge of Now}}
| {{thumbnail |number=505 |title=The Matrix Deconstructed |subtitle=Why Strict Fathers teach "Economic Literacy"}}
| {{thumbnail |number=506 |title=Wage Slavery &amp; Moral Dumbing Down |subtitle=Extrinsic Manipulation versus Internal Motivation}}
| {{thumbnail |number=507 |title=Breaking Rankism &amp; Violent Male Stereotypes |subtitle=Standing up to the Man}}
| {{thumbnail |number=508 |title=Truth &amp; Lies of The Financial "Crisis" |subtitle=Peak Oil and Peak Ponzi}}
| {{thumbnail |number=509 |title=Gift Economy |subtitle=Reconceiving The Market}}
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Latest revision as of 23:38, 6 May 2011

2 Hours/week of Intelligent Talk Radio


Made since 2000, for love, not money...

#550 - Between The Lies about Libya (Vijay Prasad and Ellen Brown) #550 - Between The Lies about Libya
    (Vijay Prasad and Ellen Brown)
#549 - Human Casualties of The Chemical Civil War (Homo Toxicus, Poison Fire and Pre-natal Exposure to Toxics) #549 - Human Casualties of The Chemical Civil War
    (Homo Toxicus, Poison Fire and Pre-natal Exposure to Toxics)
#548 - What You Don't Know Can Kill You (Dirty Secrets of The Nuclear Safety Sideshow) #548 - What You Don't Know Can Kill You
    (Dirty Secrets of The Nuclear Safety Sideshow)
#547 - Outing Prison (2) (FASD and What is Prison For Anyway?) #547 - Outing Prison (2)
    (FASD and What is Prison For Anyway?)

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 #
55_ #550 - Between The Lies about Libya (Vijay Prasad and Ellen Brown) 55_
54_ #540 - Outing School (3) (Teaching for Money v. Learning for Love) #541 - Outing Prison (1) (Mass Incarceration is the New Jim Crow) #542 - Sanders Speaks Out (Exposing The Fed's Financial Endgames) #543 - The Corruption of Money (The Perverse Power of The Price Tag) #544 - Living Arrangements Beyond Nation States (US Cities, Past, Present & Future) #545 - Linguistic and Cultural Hierarchy (Reel Bad Arabs and Translation in Wartime) #546 - How The Environmental Movement Died of Success (And What To Do About It) #547 - Outing Prison (2) (FASD and What is Prison For Anyway?) #548 - What You Don't Know Can Kill You (Dirty Secrets of The Nuclear Safety Sideshow) #549 - Human Casualties of The Chemical Civil War (Homo Toxicus, Poison Fire and Pre-natal Exposure to Toxics) 54_
53_ #530 - Exploiting Human Resources (20th Century Management as an Extractive Industry) #531 - Unite and Conquer (2) (One Global Family) #532 - Hearing the Inner Calling (Green Gone Wrong and Independent Diplomat) #533 - The False Flag Formula (9-99, 7-7, Iraq and Other Fake Bomb Plots) #534 - The Lightbulb Conspiracy (Planned Obsolescence, Bottled Water & other Toxic Junk) #535 - Peter Dale Scott on The US War Machine (Deep Politics, COG & the CIA Global Drug Connection) #536 - Beyond Hierarchy (Anarchist Audiocollage) #537 - From Divided Brains to Divided Societies (The Neurological and Cultural Roots of Separation) #538 - Outing School (1) (Unmasking the Philanthropy of US Tax-Exempt Foundations) #539 - Outing School (2) (Scientific Management as Religion) 53_
52_ #520 - Education and Its Discontents (How Degree-Driven Schooling has Undermined Learning) #521 - Walling Us In and The Illusion of Separation (No One is Illegal, No Borders) #522 - Spiritual and Social Separation (The Left Hand of God and Nature Deficit Disorder) #523 - Ivan Illich and The Collapse of Power (Nowtopia and Why Money is not Power) #524 - Dispatches from The Chemical Civil War (DDT, Bhopal and The US Cancer Industry) #525 - Cannabis (Medical Marijuana, Forgetting and the Botany of Desire) #526 - Understanding Economic 'Development' (Black Power and Confessions of an Economic Hitman) #527 - The Emerging Field of Epigenetics (Beyond Genetic Determinism) #528 - The Bilderberg Group (Conspiracies and The Fiction of Government Power) #529 - Unite and Conquer (1) (The Realisation of Unity) 52_
51_ #510 - The Race Towards Global Consciousness (Hitting Rock Bottom & Realising The Reunion) #511 - The Deadly Game of Nation States (The Honour Code of The Professional Killer) #512 - Rethinking Climate Wars & Geoengineering (Murray Bookchin and Gwynne Dyer) #513 - Producing Killers and Selling Wars (Why Any Mother's Son will Do) #514 - Virtual Reality & the Fragmentation of Modern Consciousness (Is The Internet Making Us Stupid?) #515 - War on Iran, Again? (And is Wikileaks a "modified limited hangout"?) #516 - The Politics and Economics of Food (How Markets Promote Famine and Subsidize Sickness) #517 - JFK and The Unspeakable (Khrushchev, Cuba, World Peace and Martyrdom of JFK/MLK) #518 - The Mendacity of Hype (Psywar and The Truth Emergency) #519 - The War on Sex (Beneath 'Child Protection' to The Deeper Roots of Hierarchy and Separation) 51_
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 #

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