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#270#271#272#273 Episode #274 - Citizen's Tribunal on Iraq from Binghamton, NY
(The Diplomatic Analysis)



Sun 2 October 2005  James Petras, Ray McGovern, Ann Wright, Michael Meacher, Charles Shah (reading)
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we examine the injustice perpetrated against 4 citizens of conscience who followed their conscience to protest the illegal war in Iraq.
First, the result of the St. Patrick's Day Four trial. Then we hear a citizen's tribunal in Binghamton, New York, on Iraq, chaired by James Petras, who asks how could the St. Patrick's Day Four's public act of peace be charged as a conspiracy and intimidation of public officials? How could starting an unprovoked war against a defenseless country be deemed to be lawful? Ex CIA employee, Ray McGovern testifies how that when the scare story of the uranium from Niger broke, it was instantly dismissed by his former CIA colleagues as impossible. Nevertheless, it was used to trick congress into supporting the war. Ann Wright, another insider, testifies how she resigned in protest against the unprovoked invasion of Iraq. Michael Meacher testifies how there was solid evidence that UK and US government were fully aware that there were no weapons of mass destruction. For the second hour, the panelists take questions. For the last 15 minutes, we read an article by Charles Shah, an upper middle class white prisoner sentenced for possession of a controlled substance. He writes about prison subculture and the expensive 'warehousing of offenders' as he refers to prison.
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