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#292#293#294#295 Episode #296 - The Two Row Wampum
(Onondaga Land Rights and Land Stewardship)



Sun 5 March 2006  Tadadaho Sid Hill, Audrey Shenandoah, John Marciano
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2We begin this week with an historical overview of the behaviour the European settlers toward Native Americans with Professor John Marciano's public lecture series based on Howard Zinn's Peoples' History of the United States. Then The Nation in Our Midst: Onondaga History, Culture & Spirituality, with Onandaga leaders Tadadaho Sid Hill and clan mother Audrey Shenandoah.
The United States government made dozens treaties with native nations, and has broken them all. In the few decades, many of those nations have gone to court to demand enforcement or compensation for these violated treaties. Last year, the Onondaga Nation in Central New York State filed a groundbreaking land claim against the state of New York. Unlike other claims by native nations which sought monetary compensation or casino rights, the Onondaga are asserting their traditional role of earth stewardship to the seventh generation, as laid out in their Great Law of Peace, to heal their ancestral territories that have been devastated by industrial pollution Onondaga Land Rights & Our Common Future, is a year long series of educational programs sponsored by, Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation (NOON) a grassroots organization of Central New Yorkers which recognizes and supports the sovereignty of the traditional government of the Onondaga Nation.
Thanks to Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation
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