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#33#34#35#36 Episode #37 - Sowing the Seeds of Empowerment
(Biotech panel and Private Prisons Protest)



Sat 18 November 2000  Lindsay Keenan, Denny Henke, Kathleen Kneen, Ithaca College students
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2Big Money Bad Science conference and Prison Privatisation protest
In our first hour, we hear a panel discussion, Big Money Bad Science on Biotechnology "Sowing the Seeds of Empowerment- Citizens' actions in response to globalization." The panelists are:
  • Lindsay Keenan: manager of the GM Free Task Force, for Greenpeace UK
  • Denny Henke: founder of the Memphis Social Ecology Project and is a spokesperson for GenetiX Alert, a direct action oriented anti-GMO network
  • Kathleen Kneen: founding member of the Mission Farmers' Market and the editor of BC Organic Grower, the quarterly magazine of the Certified Organic Associations of BC.
In our second hour, Students at Ithaca College protest Sodexho Marriott and Private Prisons, and a talk show host sues Cornell university over freedom of information on it's biotech filed experiments.
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