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#115#116#117#118 Episode #119 - A Land Grab By Any Other Name
(The 'War on Drugs' and 'War on Terror' in Colombia)



Sat 15 June 2002  Bill Weinberg, Javier Sanchez, Ariel Dorfman
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we examine the actions and policies of the US government in Latin America to can shed light on the real goals of the Bush Administration's "war on terrorism." The "war on terrorism" is merely a new name for decades-old policies that have brought misery and murder to every country south of the US border. Long before September 11th, 2001, the US government has been engaged in bringing to power and maintaining tyrannical regimes in Latin America. The justifications have evolved to match the rhetoric of the times: anti-communism, the war on drugs and now the war on terrorism or the ever-popular excuse, "promotion of democracy". We'll contrast the rhetoric with the reality - that what is at issue in Latin America, as well other parts of the world, including the middle east, is the ability to control the natural and human resources of other nations in a manner that will be profitable to American multinational corporations and capitalists. Key among these resources is of course, oil.
In the first hour, radio and print journalist and author Bill Weinberg will focus on what looks like Americas's new Vietnam, Colombia, as well as the fight of indigenous people in neighboring countries to protect their land and resources from being stolen by IMF-supported privatization and development. In the second hour we'll hear what it feels like to be to be the grist for the imperial mill, from two Latin Americans, a small farmer in Colombia and a famous Chilean man of letters.
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