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#87#88#89#90 Episode #91 - Neoliberalism Unravels: A Tale of Two Countries
("We are all Argentina")



Sun 3 February 2002  Greg Palast, Frances Fox Piven, Nicolas from Argentina
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2In the our first hour a panel on the effects of neoliberal policy in the US. In our second hour, an eyewitness to the Argentine December uprising.
Argentina was once the most prosperous nation in South America. Then it came under the tender ministrations of the International Monetary Fund, was privatized, globalized and sold off to the highest foreign investor. In December its outraged and starving people have took to the streets and brought down the government. In the United States, the gap between rich and poor is growing,and while the stock market soars the average person struggles harder and harder to keep themselves out of poverty. "We are all Argentina" was a cry echoed by protesters at the World Economic Forum in New York City this weekend. It was meant as a gesture of solidarity, but also as a warning to the people of America to wake up.
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