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#482#483#484#485 Episode #486 - Sado-Politics
(The Atavistic Male Gangs Culture of Corporate and Political Leaders)



Tue 20 October 2009  Max Blumenthal, John McMurtry
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2Author Max Blumenthal, speaks on sado-masochism as the dynamic underlying the politics of the Bush/Cheney era. Retired professor, John McMurtry interprets the system on political corporate culture as terrorism by atavistic male gangs.
A friend of mine recently told me she saw something on TV that shocked her. It was some sort of event of republican party faithful during which the announcement was made that Chicago has lost its bid to host the Olympics. The people at this event were celebrating this announcement because they saw it as a defeat for Barack Obama who had been speaking on behalf of the city of Chicago as an Olympic venue. Why this shocked me is not because it was petty. I am no saint and have done my share of petty things. What surprised me so much about my friend's story was that the people at this event, who knew they were being broadcast were not ashamed to display their pettiness to world. People used to be embarrassed about things and it seemed to me telling that they weren't. This inspired me to present the material in this week's show.
Thanks to Mike McCormick and Neal Mather
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