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#360#361#362#363 Episode #364 - Propaganda and Education
(Mass Production of Workers)



Sun 24 June 2007  Sut Jhally, John Taylor Gatto (reading)
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2We'll begin the program with a presentation from that conference by Sut Jhally, who teaches analysis and recognition of propaganda in the media at UMass Amherst, where he heads the Media Education Project. We'll follow that with the next instalment of John Taylor Gatto's "Underground History of American Education," his work on the development of compulsory schooling and its social engineering goals, which were not to enlighten but to mold the children of diverse cultures into a population useful to the agenda of corporate controlled mass production and consumption.
In their ground breaking 1988 book, Manufacturing Consent, professors Ed Herman and Noam Chomsky not only explained, but documented with extensive case studies, how mass media and public opinion are shaped in a democracy. Twenty years later, can their "propaganda model" still be used to explain modern media distortions? That was one of the main questions discussed last month at a conference at the university of Windsor, in Ontario, titled "20 Years of Propaganda?"
Thanks, CKDU
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