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#225#226#227#228 Episode #229 - Cooperate or Die - Beyond Resource Wars
(Peak Oil and Community Solutions, part 1)



Sat 20 November 2004  Pat Murphy, Richard Heinberg, Bob DeBolt, Jules Archer, Pokey Anderson
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we start a series of shows featuring audio from the first US conference on peak oil and community solutions, which was held last week in Yellow Spring, Ohio. We finish the show with the suppressed history of a planned fascist coup in America.
Last week 200 participants and presenters from across the country gathered in Yellow Springs, Ohio for the first US conference on peak oil and community solutions. The focus of the conference was organizing, learning, teaching and implementing the social and technological changes needed to make the transition to a sustainable low energy society, and to take this initiative at the grassroots level, especially necessary because our so called leaders are not realistically or humanely addressing this impending crisis. This week, and for the next several weeks, we'll bring you presentations from the conference including general and specific ideas on cooperative living, ecological practices, and relocalization of the economy as necessary and even inherently desirable adaptations for the future of human society. The conference was organized by Community Service, a group based in Yellow Springs. It founded in 1949 by Arthur Morgan as an educational institution focused on the ideas and practices of small community and which has been a pioneer in the intentional community and cohousing movements. We finish the show with the suppressed history of the 'Business Plot', a planned fascist coup in America. The cabal of bankers and wealthy industrialists however chose the wrong man, since General Smedley "War's a Racket" Butler didn't play along with their plans.
Thanks to Peter Arena, Faith Morgan, Megan Quinn and Pat Murphy
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