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#97#98#99#100 Episode #101 - Daring to Say No
(Citizens Challenge the War on Drugs and the American Gulag)



Sat 9 February 2002  Curt Scroell
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2A growing number of voices from across the political spectrum are daring to say that the drug war does not reduce drug use. That choosing to wage a 'war' on drugs stimulates a violent, underground economy, an economy which would collapse if drug prohibition ended. And that this decades long war on drugs is not making our country safer, simply less free.
In the first hour of our program, a documentary by Curt Scroell focusing on highlights from a drug policy conference held earlier this month at Rice University in Houston, Texas. Then in our second hour, a community forum : NYS Prisons, Inside and Out, which was held earlier this month in Ithaca as part of a New York interfaith prison pilgrimage.
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