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#73#74#75#76 Episode #77 - Economic Terrorism
(IMF Under The Spotlight)



Fri 9 November 2001  Soren Ambrose, Smithy, Tom Dawson, Michel Chossudovsky
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2The International Monetary Fund and World Bank are scheduled to meet November 6-19 in Ottawa, Ontario. Their meeting was originally scheduled for last month in Washington DC, but was cancelled due to the September 11th attacks. Hundreds of thousands protesters were expected to challenge their actions in the streets of Washington. This week we explore in depth how the IMF works, what it actually does, who benefits from its policies, and why many people call its activities economic terrorism.
In our first hour. we'll hear a variety of perspectives the IMF and World Bank, including revelations from a former leading official who had a change of heart and turned whistleblower. In the second hour, a new edition of Wizards of Money on monetary terrorism, how the IMF and Wall Street speculators profit by destroying the economies of countries throughout the developing through attacks on their currencies.
Thanks to Wizards of Money
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