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#400#401#402#403 Episode #404 - Your Honor or Your Money
(9/11 and Winter Soldier Testimony #3)



Sun 30 March 2008  Mike Todd, Kevin Barrett, Richard Falk, Camilo Mejia, Bryan Cassler, Mohammad Amir
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we continue with selected testimony from the Winter Soldier Hearings as well as placing it in its context of 9/11 and the project of global domination, with 9/11 truth scholar Kevin Barrett and international law and human rights expert Richard Falk.
"Dehumanization of the Enemy" was one of the topics of the winter soldier testimony. Dehumanization of the enemy is part of the goal of military training, not accidental or isolated. Military training, as further expanded upon in episode 513, is designed to remove the recruits' lifelong moral prohibition against homicide, and ultimately, dehumanizes them in the process.
Thanks to Pacifica Radio and to Kevin Barrett.
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