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#320#321#322#323 Episode #324 - Testifying From the Pit
(Ground Zero First Responders Speak Out)



Sun 17 September 2006  Les Jamieson, David Miller, Craig Bartmer, Mike McCormick, Kevin McPadden, Donna O'Connor, Wille Rodriguez
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2Talks from 2006-10-09 by Ground Zero First Responders at Manhattan Community Church. One speaker says, "There are no longer any Red States, and we must tell CNN, Fox and NBC that we know we are the majority".
They are former soldiers, cops, building workers and family members of victims. Some are sick, some dying. They speak about the callousness of the government toward their plight, and the documents they have obtained showing that the administration and EPA director Christy Whitman, knew lower Manhattan was not safe and covered it up. In this shocking presentation, part of a series of events sponsored by last week, former servants of the establishment call for the prosecution of the administration, denounce them as criminals and liars and call upon the American people to find the truth and avenge the dead and dying.
Many thanks to Fred Nguyen, WBIX and
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