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#241#242#243#244 Episode #245 - Not Their Soldier
(War Resistance and Class Consciousness Grows in the US Military Community)



Sun 13 March 2005  Lou Plummer, Jimmy Massey, Stan Goff
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2As we hear on the show this week, dissent against the occupation of Iraq is growing within the US Military and their families. Iraq war veterans are speaking out, using words like war crimes, genocide, and imperialism.
In our first hour, we hear from Lou Plummer, a veteran whose son in the military is one of the organizers of a March 19 national anti-war mobilization in Fayetteville, NC. Then we hear Jimmy Massey, former Marine recruiter and Iraq combat veteran who exposes economic conscription, the methodical lies of recruiters and the casual killing of civilians by US troops in Iraq. We conclude with former special forces officer Stan Goff calling on the Military Community to engage in militant resistance against the war machine.
Thanks to Brian Russell and Fred Nguyen
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