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#12#13#14#15 Episode #16 - Land of the Free?
(Mumia on Prisons, Parenti on Human Nature and Prisoners' Writings)



Sat 24 June 2000  Mumia Abu-Jamal, Michael Parenti
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we hear why the US imprisons a larger percentage of its population than any other country on earth.
The program begins with Mumia Abu-Jamal's commencement address to the university of California at Santa Cruz, which highlights the 2 million Americans now in jail. Then, Michael Parenti speaks on "Human Nature and Politics", how theories of human nature are used to justify hierarchy and domination. Then, we hear voices from behind prison walls, with readings of the winning entries of PEN's annual prison writing context -- and Mumia closes the program with a commentary on Texas and the death penalty.
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